We’ve witnessed a seemingly relentless stream of news stories this week about commercial plane crashes, medical plane crashes, private plane crashes, and now an engine fire in Houston. In light of this, I want to walk you through the seven main reasons astrologically why this is happening and it what it suggests about the future of flying.
For months now I’ve been discussing escalating risks of aviation incidents to my paid Substack subscribers. In the Election Aftermath video I posted in November 2024, I spoke about visions I was having of a government official going down in a plane crash. I kept thinking it would be someone really high up in the incoming administration, but what I didn’t realize is that my intuition was pointing me to something in DC (the American Airlines crash happened near the Ronald Reagan DC airport).
Following the American Airlines crash, I posted clips of my previous predictions about the last week of January being especially precarious in the aviation space. In the ensuing hours, people tagged me in numerous other videos posted by psychic mediums and astrologers voicing the same concerns about the final week of January.
A stunning consensus was reached among intuitives about this time period. Even people who aren’t creating content directly messaged me saying they had dreams about this happening but didn’t post about it.
While there are of course other factors that led to the string of accidents over the past week, applying basic principles of astrology would allow one to predict the general themes of aviation risk in late January 2025 decades in advance by consulting the transits. So let’s examine them…
The Seven Contributing Factors:
1) Uranus’ direct station: Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius (the sign that rules aviation) stationed direct on January 30th. When Uranus stations direct it gathers tons of momentum and can bring about upheaval and shocking events. However, Uranus stations direct every year, which means other astrological factors had to be present for a plane crash to occur.
2) Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius: From January 27th until about February 2nd, Mercury was conjunct Pluto, overlapping with the timeline of Uranus stationing direct. Mercury rules transportation while Pluto marks moments of (metaphorical or literal) death & rebirth. Although Mercury and Pluto form hard aspects multiple times each year, this was especially precarious when combined with Uranus’ direct motion and their transit through Aquarius, the sign associated with aviation.
Mercury conjunct Pluto also can indicate possible self-destructive use of a vehicle which corroborates the theory that the helicopter possibly intentionally flew above its peak altitude allowance. I also flagged this aspect as being a transit reminiscent of Princess Diana’s car crash, when a retrograde Mercury conjoined her natal Pluto. Strangely, the Russian figure skater on the American Airlines flight had a similar hairdo and hair color to Princess Diana.
3) Mars Retrograde square Chiron: Ever since early December, Mars has been retrograde. Mars represents fire & explosions, and when it retrogrades these risks increase. What’s more, since mid January Mars has been square Chiron (in Mars’ own sign). Mars square Chiron increases the odds of injury through fire or explosion, which points not only to the recent LA fires but also other incidents which could include transportation-related matters when combined with the other transits I’ve mentioned. There was an intensified risk of aviation-related fire/explosion on January 29th when the transiting Moon was in Aquarius dispositing Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (the night of the American Airlines collision).
4) Mars opposite Mercury: In the days leading up to the plane crashes (January 21-25) Mars opposed Mercury. A Mars-Mercury opposition is very rare, occurring for just a few days every two years or so. When this opposition occurs, it can also raise the probability of an accident but it also can lead to information overload or lack of proper coordination (whether literal coordination of the body or coordination of various data points or information). This can have a residual effect after the aspect subsides, scrambling people’s ability to properly interpret information patiently.
I believe this reflects possible staffing complications among air traffic controllers at the DC airport as well as miscommunication about flight paths in the final seconds before the collision. In my January predictions, I mentioned how the Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer could suggest that “someone inside the government is suddenly an enemy” to the current person in power, opening the possibility that the helicopter intentionally collided with the plane (although this is not proven as of now).
FYI the Mars-Mercury opposition featured a T-square to Chiron, upping the odds of accident and injury. This is what compelled me to dwell on this gnarly transit for a while in my January predictions video. Also, when it formed the exact oppositional aspect, Mercury was near the position in Capricorn of the 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
5) Pluto’s final ingress into Aquarius: Pluto has been veering in and out of Aquarius since March 2023, however, as of November 19, 2024 it has fully committed to transiting through this sign until 2044. The final ingress of Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of aviation, set the stage for a potentially shocking event in the aviation space. As I said in late November, “the aviation industry is the most challenged industry” at this time.
6) Uranus’ square to the United States Moon: Many are likely asking why the prediction was US-focused — well it’s because Uranus’ direct station happened in a wide square to the US natal Moon at 27 Aquarius. The Moon in mundane astrology represents the people and Uranus can bring about upheaval as mentioned before.
7) Saturn semi-square Pluto: As I discussed at length in an Instagram Live show days before the plane crashes, Saturn formed its third & final opening 45 degree angle to Pluto (the semi-square is the 8th Harmonic btw and 8 is a Scorpio degree dealing with death and transformation) on January 26. This is a subtly tense aspect and one of the first significant aspects to form in the Saturn-Pluto cycle that began January 12, 2020. Hard aspects between Saturn and Pluto can bring about destructive events in the world, especially events that highlight the decrepit nature of certain institutions and systems that are overdue for transformation.
Flight Conditions in the Year Ahead
When do the risks subside? First of all, even if transits indicate higher risk, you should still use your own intuition as well. Just because there’s a general risk doesn’t mean every single flight is compromised. Therefore, I would never make such a definitive statement about flying conditions at the risk of people cancelling their flights. We should factor in the importance of a trip, the cost of cancelling, and so on. And it’s also worth noting that the probability of an individual getting into an accident via airplane remains incredibly low, and also it does partly depend on the transits to your individual birth chart anyways. But I still believe I have a role to play in providing people with general guidelines on travel for the upcoming year.
The risk timeline when it comes to flying partly depends on how long the factors I listed remain active. So let’s break down the timeline of all the transits I mentioned above.
Uranus’ direct station has already happened, and after the Leo full moon February 12, Uranus’ station will no longer be relevant in my view. However, up until that time, Uranus is still changing apparent direction in the sky and is a huge factor on that full moon since the Sun & Moon will both be squaring Uranus.
Mercury conjunct Pluto is no longer a factor since Mercury is essentially out of the orb of influence to be conjunct Pluto at the time of this writing (Feb 3).
Mars Retrograde square Chiron will continue to be in effect until February 23, at which point Mars stations direct. However, Mars will continue squaring Chiron until April 17, maintaining a general risk of news about fires or sudden explosions — however, this aspect in-of-itself does not pertain to aviation.
I will add, though, that whenever the moon transits through Aquarius it will be in the sign of aviation, dispositing Mars in Cancer which is itself dispositing Chiron in Aries. I believe that any flight-related complications are much more likely to occur when the Moon transits Aquarius during Mars’ time in Cancer until April 17.
Mars opposite Mercury has already ended as of January 25 luckily.
Pluto is in Aquarius until 2044, however, this isn’t a sufficient marker of an aviation incident. If anything, Pluto’s recent ingress already triggered these tragic accidents and will bring about all kinds of innovations in the aviation industry in reaction to the events.
Uranus’ square to the US Moon will subside in July when Uranus enters Gemini, however, in February 2026 it will yet again station direct, this time in a partile (exact) square to the US Moon, which suggests the next Aquarius season could also present some risk.
The Saturn-Pluto semi-square was highly active the past week but will be out of the orb of influence by mid Februray.
To summarize the risk timeline:
A general risk is sustained through February 12 upon the Leo Full Moon, with the risks lowering by one level, so to speak, after the moon leaves the sign of Leo later that day.
It lowers by another level after February 23 when Mars retrograde ends.
In theory, it lowers yet again by April 17 when Mars stops squaring Chiron. However, after that it begins to oppose Pluto again.
April 20-22 the Moon transits through Aquarius while Mars, the Sun and Pluto form a T-Square, making these dates slightly riskier.
By mid May, Mars leaves the opposition to Pluto and I think generally the risks of flying subside significantly.
On June 9th, Mercury and Jupiter will square Saturn and Neptune which could signal some type of international travel restriction or possibly an investigation into an aviation-related company, however, my intuition isn’t telling me that there will be any notable mechanical risks to flying at that time.
The next pocket of risk would be early November when Mars and Mercury transit through Sagittarius and oppose Uranus in Gemini.
The final risk window in the near-term would be Aquarius Season 2026 when Mars joins up with Pluto in Aquarius along with Mercury, the Sun and Venus.
Conclusion & Final Guidance
The purpose of this article was to inform, not to alarm. I do hope this information is used as a general guide for you rather than as a reason to panic. As I stated above, even if a general risk is present astrologically, it does not imply that any particular flight is risky.
To give you an example of how I’m using the astrology to guide my actions: I’m avoiding flying January 21 through mid February, bookended by the Mars-Mercury opposition January 21 and the Leo Full Moon February 12 **partly because I don’t have any pressing matters that require me to fly**, however, I have plans to fly in late February for a friend’s bachelor party across the country — I wouldn’t miss it! And if the bachelor party had been scheduled sooner than the 12th, I would probably still go and just remain vigilant and look out for any signs or synchronicities that would suggest otherwise.
I hope this gives you clear guidance on how to approach transits in times of upheaval like this. Let me know in the comments how you’re feeling about this article and if you think it helps.
All the Best,
FYI you can still download my 2025 Horoscopes, they are incredible useful tools for planning out your year ahead — and we’re still very much in the early innings of this year!
Very insightful, thank you for taking the time to write this article Evan.
Always good info🫶🏿