Three years ago, as my fledgling astrology career was inching along, I noticed many significant transits were mirroring those from 1939, the outset of World War 2. I awkwardly offered some general observations to my TikTok followers without providing many specifics. Why? Because like many responsible astrologers & psychics I don’t seek to cause alarm unnecessarily — it’s best to use divination tools to, yes, flag the issues that might arise but also to be solutions-oriented.
In the case of the WW2 mirroring that’s been happening from 2022 until now, it’s not really all that useful to tell your audience “Pluto rules nuclear power and Pluto is now opposing the World War 2 Pluto so there could be a nuclear-type catastrophe.” Unfortunately, the odds increased recently as Mars sustained a grating opposition to Pluto, with Mars at the WW2 Pluto point. A months-long Mars-Pluto opposition is like a pressure chamber that eventually implodes or explodes. On a personal level it can manifest as a burning desire or drive, but collectively it can wreak havoc either through war or a calamity at a massive scale.
Again, I kept these thoughts largely to myself because fear mongering is a huge problem in the astrology community and really there’s no point in striking fear into people’s hearts without offering a solution. Then a few days ago one of the most gut-wrenching manifestations of the Mars-Pluto transit flashed before our collective eyes—disaster struck the Los Angeles area, leaving behind a scarred landscape that indeed resembles a nuclear disaster, with fires that unfortunately continue to rage on. As an LA resident, I’ve experienced this on a personal level — not knowing if my neighborhood will be caught up in a blaze, worrying about the safety of friends, etc.
I am incredibly fortunate to have taken a flight out of LA last Tuesday morning, hours before the fires broke out, albeit for heavy reasons. My grandfather passed in late December and his memorial was scheduled for January 10. Given my schedule this past week, I had to fly that morning and no later than that. Perhaps I was being guided away by his spirit, which still does not alleviate the grief of losing him, however, it is comforting to know he is watching over me and sending me signs when I need.
As the tragedy in LA ripples out to the world, it is clearly setting the tone for this nodal shift into Virgo and Pisces. I unintentionally presaged some of these events last week in my Astrology of 2025 webinar (two days before the fires), summarizing 2025 with an image of a man running from a burning vehicle while a drone flies overhead. In the presentation I also relayed some intuitive visuals I had of firefighters saving people from burning buildings as well as a possible “explosion” in the news that people would react to by spearheading a whole new philanthropic effort to assist those in need. This prediction was partly driven by the nodal shift into Pisces & Virgo which occurred today. Today let’s focus on the North Node in Pisces, with the North Node pushing us towards our destiny/potential and the sign of Pisces dealing with themes like health, hospitals, spirituality, dreams, creativity, and more. I believe we can use it as a compass to predict many events of the upcoming year and beyond.
What will the North Node in Pisces bring in the context of the fires?
Massive Benefit Concert: There will likely be announcements in the coming months about a benefit concert similar to Live Aid albeit on an even more unprecedented scale. I’m predicting there will be a fundraiser and benefit concert for the LA fires, combining the forces of musicians across genres and generations. It will likely break fundraising records. This will combine the Piscean themes of creativity and compassion.
Health Effects & Compensation Programs: As for the LA fire aftermath, the North Node meeting with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces suggests to me that there could be long-term effects due to toxins, chemicals and pollutants that have been released into the air from the tens of thousands of structures that were incinerated. I think in the coming years there will likely be compensation programs for anyone who experiences long-term health effects due to their proximity to the fires at the time of the devastation (similar to the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund that was created in New York City after 9/11 for those who were living below Canal Street or who worked to clear the debris). This fund would likely begin significant payouts in about 7 years or so when transiting Saturn reaches the later degrees of Gemini and squares the radix Saturn position in Pisces.
This is an example where I don’t want to cause alarm, but if you track the astrology objectively, there is serious concern about the long-term impact of the chemicals that were released. I am not telling you to live in fear, but merely to be diligent in examining where you’re getting your food, your water, and being mindful of any alerts that are issued regarding toxins that are being tracked.
I’m not here to be a doomsdayer, however, I personally am remaining hyper-vigilant in tracking any indications of long-term effects from the release of various chemicals and pollutants in the fires. You should defer to your own instincts, your risk tolerance, your desire to help those in the vicinity, etc, and trust me, as an LA resident I am absolutely rooting for the city including the wellness of its residents. But I do believe it will take decades to track the full effects on our livelihood.
Tax Season & Insurance Debacles: The upcoming tax season is going to be the messiest in recent memory, which I called out in many of my 2025 Horoscope videos. In my Astrology of 2025 webinar I speculated that perhaps the flood insurance industry would be reeling during the upcoming year due to inclement weather causing floods. This still could be true later in the year as a city or region grapples with historic flooding, making flood insurance either impossibly expensive or inaccessible altogether.
Water-Related Themes: Water quality and access will be a major issue in certain regions, most notably LA. Water was difficult to extract from the fire hydrants during the first days of the fires, underscoring Saturn’s transit through Pisces. Going forward the city will be testing the municipal water supply for any indications of toxic or harmful particles. In other regions water will be difficult to access due to drought, and in other areas there will be extreme levels of precipitation and flooding.
Increased Funding Towards Disaster Relief Teams & Emergency Responders: The LA fires exposed deficiencies in staffing or funding within various departments, which I think will encourage cities across the world who are increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters to divert a greater share of budget towards these departments. This will be party powered by the North Node in the compassionate Pisces.
Becoming Stewards of the Land: The North Node in Pisces will pave the way for the eventual ingress of Chiron into Taurus (June 2026) and compel people to focus on rebuilding sustainably and/or prioritizing ecological integrity. We will focus on healing ourselves and our communities as well as healing the Earth.
Spiritual Services: Spiritual communities will host mass meditations to send positive energy to Los Angeles (which I spoke about in the 2025 webinar) and religious groups will also host services to bind communities together. There will be an influx of faith (Pisces) that we can recover and transcend the challenges.
Although they try our souls, crises bind us together and remind us that we all share similar hopes, dreams and fears. Perhaps we can achieve genuine unity in the aftermath, which is precisely what the North Node in Pisces aims for.
Stay safe out there and check on your loved ones,
My condolences to your family for the loss of your grandfather Evan!
Sorry for the loss of your grandfather and thank you for sharing - I do also recall last year you talking repeatedly about being called to leave LA and others being called to leave LA and you hadn’t yet formed the exact reasoning behind this