The text below is a transcript of my YouTube video covering my predictions and horoscopes for September 2024.
Hey there, it's Evan Nathaniel Grim, and welcome to my September 2024 forecast. So I'm going to give my global predictions, overview the key themes, and then dive into the expected outcomes for each Zodiac sign.
So September really brings us back into eclipse season. And this one has a lot to do with health healing and letting go. September also theoretically resolves some of the frustrations and the bottleneck effect of August. So if you saw my August video, you'll probably remember that I was discussing all types of roadblocks, blockages, tension points between Mars and Saturn, the Jupiter-Saturn square, and I forecasted a lot of travel delays, travel issues, leaked communications, broken lines of communication. And August did play out that way. We did see a lot of other travel issues, really unfortunate accidents as well, especially in the air and in the water. I remember also forecasting a lot of inclement weather events in August, which did also occur. So we are coming out of that energy in August. This feeling of, again, a bottleneck or a traffic jam or just things not... It was hard for us to get from point A to point B on a schedule on time or to have things just really to go our way at all.
August felt like, just had this energy of grinding our teeth and it had this grating effect. But in September, I just want to start off by giving you some top-level trends that I see when I was reviewing all the charts and whatnot. So first of all, September is really a lot. It has a lot to do with tending to our health. This is because of the Virgo Sun opposing the Saturn retrograde in Pisces, opposing Neptune in Pisces and the eclipse in Pisces. Also, there are some healing opportunities in relationships, which is really driven by the Venus-Chiron opposition. We may be interfacing with various healers to get to the root of a certain health issue in our lives. We will be fortifying, hopefully, our self-worth in order to break through to the next level of harmony in a relationship with others. We can be moving forward productively after Mercury retrograde. So, Mercury retrograde is luckily over by September.
Also, as Mars goes into Cancer, we will be focusing on protecting those we care about at both a personal and a national level. As Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, we will be upgrading our values and making sure we have a clear set of values to hold onto before Uranus goes into Gemini next summer and creates a bit more of a detached environment, I think. I mean I think when Uranus goes into Gemini next year, the pace of innovation is just going to speed up. There may be a communications device that almost renders a smartphone obsolete. I mean, maybe not exact in 2025, but definitely in the next few years we'll have new ways to interface with others. But as exciting as that is, that will create a very detached world.
So while Uranus is retrograding Taurus starting in September before it eventually it goes back, or it enters Gemini next summer, this retrograde in Taurus is critical because it really is one of those last miles towards innovating our values. And also though anchoring around a set of values that is fundamentally human. We need something organic, something human to hold onto as a world becomes increasingly digitized.
Hopefully in September you will feel less information overload because Mars will get out of Gemini and you'll feel a little bit more focused because it's Virgo season, we'll have Mercury in Virgo direct opposing Saturn at some point. So it has like a down-to-business or back-to-business vibe. And Pluto will also retrograde back into Cap. So we are going to take a good hard look at the rules we abide by, the systems we participate in, and the integrity of the social structure.
Dominant Transits
Yeah, so let's also just review now some of the more granularities of September. So what are the dominant transits in September? Number one, the Jupiter-Saturn square does continue. In my opinion, it's continuing all the way to September 22nd. So basically Libra season. Now, the Jupiter-Saturn square is posing a challenge to our ideals, our aspirations, our hopes for the future, whatever we want to achieve in the future as a collective. Saturn is testing our belief systems. It is testing our ambitions in a way. And between Gemini and Pisces, I do think it is scrutinizing the healthcare system in some respects because the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred right at zero degrees of Aquarius in late 2020. And Aquarius has a lot to do with science and innovation. But if you think about what was going on at the end of 2020 and the innovations that were coming out, those innovations may be scrutinized or may be advancing to a different level right now.
The other dominant transit is the Sun opposing Saturn and Neptune. So in the synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune, those two planets, Saturn and Neptune, are reaching their fullness at that point. When the Sun opposes a planet, that planet is naturally retrograde, but it does bring that planet's energy to a peak because it's receiving maximum light from the Sun. And I remember last year during Virgo season when the Sun opposed Saturn, I remember I took a flight that day from New York to London, and I remember distinctly for that entire flight feeling, even though I was about to go on vacation, feeling very down, feeling extremely down. And that was because of that opposition. And it doesn't have to mean that you would feel depressed or down at that time, but I do think the Sun-Saturn opposition right in Virgo and Pisces right there, it really can expose mental health challenges we have to overcome or it can expose professional goals that we have to finesse or rework. It just brings a bit more of a serious attitude to life.
And then the Sun-Neptune opposition can breed exhaustion a little bit. That's towards the end of Virgo season. And like I said at the very beginning of this video, September, it has a lot to do with health because we're really activating that Virgo-Pisces axis. And another dominant transit is the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces, which will accentuate themes of health in all of its forms, by the way, mental, physical, and spiritual health. And it is foreshadowing and presaging the eclipse cycles in Virgo and Pisces, which will really kick off, well, really kick off with this eclipse and carry us all the way through February 2027 technically, because even in February 2027, even though the nodes will have shifted into Leo and Aquarius by that point, we are going to have, still at that point, a lunar eclipse in Virgo.
So that's a long eclipse cycle and it will bring up the themes of, again, health, healthcare, how we take care of ourselves, and God forbid, but maybe there's a pathogen associated with that eclipse cycle. If you think about during COVID, the north node and south node were in Gemini and Sagittarius, which is a mutable energy. So the mutable signs can create a more diffuse environment where pathogens become more transmissible. So let's pay attention to September 17th and look at that and see if it is a harbinger of some greater epidemic to come. And again, I'm speaking from a textbook understanding of astrology, not from the perspective of fear mongering or anything like that.
Venus will conjoin the south nodes, so relationships can be reset in early September, potentially purged, but ultimately reset and it may expose some weaknesses in the economy. Venus has a lot to do with money, assets, career, but I do think that naturally it could influence the markets. Although just to be clear, I'm not making any market predictions in this video. And I said this the other day on a call with my Substack subscribers, it's pretty hard to predict the market anyways because it just feels untethered to reality because it is just a game at this point for wealthy people to gain wealth. I mean, that's really what it feels like to me is the market seems to be rising perpetually, irrationally regardless of what the top line numbers are showing in the economy. But nevertheless, the economy could be tested, especially as Pluto is retrograding back into Capricorn, one of the other dominant transits.
So this is a bookend to the whole Pluto and Capricorn era. And of course, the last time or when the Pluto entered Capricorn for the first time in this cycle, we had the Great Recession. And when Pluto first reached 29 Capricorn in March of 2023, we had a regional banking crisis. So again, I'm not trying to tell you what to do about it, but there may be some cracks exposed in the economy, maybe through the real estate market, maybe through a lens of inflation, maybe through the lens of jobs reports, which actually two days ago the job numbers were revised. I think they were revised downward by like eight-hundred-plus-thousand jobs that were created between April of '23 and April of '24. So that's a massive revision. Now, the markets did not really react all that negatively to it because that's a past read, but that is significant, and I think that is a harbinger slightly of Pluto going into Cap again.
Now, again, Uranus retrograde in Taurus, I did talk about that a little bit, but when Uranus stations retrograde on September 1st, the same day that Pluto goes back into Cap, it may put the focus on the provocative changes we want to institute in our society, the new values we would like to uphold. And it can bring in a revolutionary impulse in some way. It could also bring about some seismic activity, but most likely it has a lot to do with upgrading our values and emphasizing the need for maybe a new system of some kind. And when I say we, I mean a number of nations. I mean, we've seen how in August there were regime changes in a number of countries. So as Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, right when Pluto is retrograde in Cap, and by the way, Pluto and Uranus will be in a pretty tight trine at that time.
I do think that traditional legacy systems governments will be put under a little bit of pressure by the masses. I haven't researched specific countries' charts for this video, so I'm not going to make a prediction about a specific country, but obviously it could be more of a global trend as well. And then again, just to reiterate this, we do have a partial lunar eclipse, which you're seeing here in Pisces. And that lunar eclipse will really reset the health picture. It will maybe coincide with some health-related announcement about the healthcare industry or a pharmaceutical company, but a healthcare agency.
But on a personal level, it can definitely help you heal a relationship maybe, because Venus is opposing Chiron, it can help you let go of someone or something, help you move on. It could help you realize the ways in which you maybe have been deceived by mass media because that's a Piscean thing. It could help you tap into a mystic sensibility or metaphysical sensibility. It could help you upgrade your spiritual life. And I do like the fact that Jupiter is squaring the Sun and moon actually. So there is some potential grandiosity to it where we are restoring our faith in certain things as we lose faith in other things. And I just want to finally say before I go into some of the more day-to-day transits, that Pluto going back into Cap for the last time in our lifetimes is significant. That's going to happen from September 1st through November 19th, which does include the US presidential election.
So in September, it is that last mile of Pluto's journey through the sign, and it may expose corruption, it may expose conflicts of interest at the very top. It may expose how a certain system may feel monopolized or rigged in some way. It could show the problematic effects of, yeah, duopolies, monopolies in certain industries, top-heavy structures. It's just going to show you the downsides of concentrated power. It's going to show you the downsides of a stratified society, and it's going to show you the downsides of, well, I mean, absolute power corrupts absolutely, right? That's the mantra with Pluto and Capricorn. So systems that continue to operate in this monopolistic way or this too-big-to-fail environment, those systems are becoming vulnerable yet again as Pluto goes into Cap. So yes, absolutely, especially during Virgo season, it could spawn some economic shock or downturn.
I am trying my best when I do these YouTube videos to channel, I try to keep the aura open to whatever comes through. But I mean, I feel like if there was an economic shock, it would happen during Virgo season here, but it's not a guarantee by any means. If it didn't happen then I don't think it's going to happen for a while. I mean, what I think is the larger picture is, like I talked about last month, is there is a World War that's likely to start to metastasize over the next two years. I talked about April 2026, there probably will be a military draft in the United States, a conscription. I think we're already in a World War if I'm being real. But if you look at the transits of Mars going into Cancer in October, November, and then early next year, it's squaring off with Chiron and Aries.
It's going to square the position of Mars on October 7th of last year. So obviously a large-scale war would affect the economy. And so that would be the big variable besides the other things I mentioned that could ripple out into the economy. But otherwise, because Mars will not go into its pre-shadow phase in September, I don't necessarily think that a huge flashpoint in the theater of war would actually define September. It's not impossible because Mars will square the lunar nodes. And last October it was on the south node. But anyways, definitely keep your eye on the ball with the economy, keep track of it for sure in September. Now, as for some key ingresses to call out, just really quick for your own, I guess, note-taking, Pluto will go into Capricorn September 1st. Mercury will go into Virgo September 8th. Mars will go into Cancer September 4th. Venus will enter Scorpio September 22nd, and Mercury will enter Libra September 26th.
Day-by-Day Transits Breakdown
Now let's go through some noteworthy transits. So I'm actually going to go backwards to September 1st. So the first major transit I want to highlight, and we'll go chronologically through the month, is the Mars and Neptune square. So the Mars and Neptune square is really active the end of August through September 4th, and that Mars-Neptune square could highlight some respiratory illness, whether that be some cough, I feel like there could be some cough that's coming through. I don't know if it's the whooping cough or whatever it's called, but it could be the respiratory illness that we've been dealing with for many years now. But it could even just be like in certain communities, people are breathing in pollutants unknowingly. It does give me that energy. And when Mars squares Neptune in Pisces, I know I talked about this risk in August, but boating-related things are a bit of a challenge there.
So be careful if you're going out on a boat, I think Mars square Neptune can create some water-related disaster. Of course, the risk of inclement weather continues in September. Maybe a hurricane will arrive in the southeast or something, or in an unsuspecting place like Southern California. I mean, I know that last year Southern California had a... I don't even remember what they classified it as. I don't know if it was actually a hurricane, but there is the possibility that locations that aren't really used to getting monsoons or tsunamis or earthquakes or hurricanes could get them.
But I do think that Mars-Neptune square will bring about the spread of some respiratory illness. So during that square also you may feel like gossiping. I wouldn't do that obviously. So avoid any gossipy behavior. And that can also bring about some deceptive action, whether that's in a relationship, it does feel like there's some lies being told in a relationship. Where were you the other day? It just feels a little bit deceptive.
But then we also have the, again, Jupiter-Saturn square from September 1st through 22nd. I mean, I really think it is really lasting for most of September still. Now, the exact square already happened in August, but Jupiter is getting hit by a superior square from Saturn there. And again, this is really testing our beliefs, our ideals, it's testing our political, I think in a lot of ways it's like the political system is being tested, but also there's major cases legally maybe that are being litigated or solved or brought up in the news at that time. And of course, I think Trump's sentencing is on the 18th or something of September. It may get postponed, but it does feel like there are some major legal showdowns with that square.
But otherwise, again, I don't want to harp on that square too much. We've already experienced it at its exactitude in August. But again, whatever you believe about the world, whatever you want for your future, whatever abundance you're striving for, Saturn is still putting a bit of a damper on that. Not to say that you can't manifest abundance right now, but Saturn is still forcing you to really reconcile or reckon with another aspect area of your chart. It's of forcing you to reckon with the Pisces house of your chart, because that's where you face certain responsibilities right now. That's where you have obligations. And for Jupiter and Gemini, a lot of you probably want to travel, a lot of you probably want to explore other cultures or something or countries. But Saturn is like work. Saturn is health, Saturn and Pisces is mental health.
So for some people you may be feeling depressed or down or lethargic or unmotivated. And that lack of motivation is squandering some of this Jupiter in Gemini energy. You may be reading the news and feeling overwhelmed by that, which is a Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces energy. And you may not feel like communicating all the time with a lot of people. You may feel like a hermit or a recluse. Because I do think Saturn and Pisces craves some amount of isolation, especially when Saturn is retrograde. So if you don't feel like overextending yourself right now, then I think that's fine. I mean, if you have to rest and recuperate, and if you have to reflect on spiritual fulfillment, life direction, I would validate that. I don't think that you have to be a social butterfly right now.
We also have Venus conjunct the South Node, September 1st through 5th, which you're able to see right here. The Venus-South Node conjunction can create a karmic reset in a relationship. So the South Node is things that we've already mastered, qualities that we've already mastered, past life actions catching up to us. It has an energy of letting go, so some of you may decide to part ways with somebody around early September. You may just energetically reset a relationship. This could be creativity-related, this could be career-related, money-related. And Venus and Libra has a lot to do with alliances. So maybe certain countries would shift their allegiance or something to other countries, but in your own life, you could shift your alliances on a personal level.
And again, that may test the economy, that may test the markets in some way. So there may be some headlines in early September that show the economy is not as strong as people think it is. We will have Mercury in a direct motion but square Uranus still September 1st through 8th. That square has been going on for a long time. The Mercury-Uranus Square is, I think still throwing off things related to technology. It's making people change their minds very suddenly about things. Like during the Aquarius Full Moon, retrograde Mercury with square Uranus, and people cannot really make up their minds right now. In early September that continues. I do feel like people are feeling, yeah, people are feeling restless, people are feeling unfocused, people are feeling like they can't sit still, they're feeling impatience and maybe technology continues to be a problem and glitchy. But if you wanted to have an innovative breakthrough in something, you wanted to solve some really unique problem, you could do that at the beginning of September.
Surprises are just more likely during that first week, like surprising news stories. I'll continue to say this, Mercury will go and conjoin Biden's Chiron, for example, early in September. So I mean, I don't know, I think Biden is still the president throughout the rest of his term. But, with Mercury on his Chiron, there still could be some announcement for him about health. But I don't know, I've seen some astrologers try to say that Biden is not going to finish out his term. I don't really agree with that. I think that the DNC just is what it was. Just like any convention, I don't think it really changed anything. It just was like, here's the candidate. So despite some predictions from other astrologers, I don't know, I feel still pretty confident in my presidential predictions, which by the way, is on my Substack.
I'm not really going to get into it here because I feel really proud of the research I did on it. If you want to access the video, become a paid subscriber. I lay it out in a PowerPoint. And so far the prediction has come true exactly as I expected. But of course there's still time. But if you want to access that prediction for your own, I don't know, just for anticipating it, it's all on my Substack. But anyways I do feel like Biden might... There might be something being talked about regarding Biden while Mercury is on his Chiron in early September. But otherwise, the Mercury Uranus square, again, great for you, the individual to innovate on something.
Next, let's jump to Mars squaring the lunar nodes and Venus opposing Chiron, September 15 through 16. I'm not a fan of that per se, this aspect of the, especially lining up with the eclipse. Mars, whenever Mars has been aspecting the lunar nodes lately, since last October, it has led to some tension globally or in the Middle East. And Mars in Cancer is in a fallen position. And I do think of Mars in Cancer as being protective of its home turf. So nations are becoming more defensive. They're posturing at this time in September. They are girding for war in some ways. And maybe even interpreting certain actions as a threat.
There's a heightened sensitivity at that time with Mars squaring the lunar nodes. There is a feeling that, especially with Venus opposite Chiron, a global alliance could be broken. There's a sense of betrayal right there. And on a personal level though, this eclipse does allow you to do some really serious healing work through a relationship. So if you feel like there's an insecurity lingering in the relationship, or if you feel like there's a victim mentality that's blocking growth in the relationship or lies, or if there's angst in the relationship, resentments, whatever challenging dynamic is plaguing a relationship in your life, you can flush that out on this eclipse. And-
You can flush that out on this eclipse. And I talk about full moons as transitions sometimes, awakenings, not always endings, they don't have to be endings, but I think this full Moon is mostly an ending. It is a letting go and the letting go of whatever it is could be healing for you. And with Chiron in Aries, it's like ideally you're able to show your vulnerability and/or step into your self-worth and mend a relationship that way. But also, I mean, there's a Grand Trine, by the way, in earth signs here, between the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto, and a Kite formation if you count the Sextile to Uranus and Pluto. So in a way, this full moon is actually quite flowing. A Kite is nice and harmonious, but still dynamic. And so it could help you innovate your work process or it could help the collective even, I don't know, come up with more efficient ways to get something done.
Or we could incorporate AI into the workforce in a less deleterious way that actually helps people. There could be a healthcare innovation right there that comes out. But Mercury will oppose Saturn at that time, so I think a lot of people may cut off contact with someone in their life, or they may get down to business and solve a really big business question. So it's kind of a productive full moon. But I'm not going to lie, with Mercury opposite Saturn, some people may receive kind of, I don't know, tough news about something, tough news about, again, a relationship like, oh, it's time to break up or not going to talk to you anymore. And it's like total cutting off of contact with Mercury opposite Saturn. Or I don't know, I mean, maybe this is about a high profile figure, but I feel like there's some kind of health news coming out around this time that's kind of daunting.
I don't know if it's like a presidential figure or someone is diagnosed with some kind of terminal illness, but it feels that way in the chart. Now, to be honest with you, I'm not saying this is you or anyone you know, but this type of lunar eclipse and Pisces with Mercury opposite Saturn just has the energy of being at the doctor's office and the doctor tells you something you really didn't want to hear, like the prognosis is kind of bleak. But I'm not saying that that's literally happening on a personal level for anybody, not trying to scare anybody, but that's the energy as I'm just channeling. That's what I picture. And with Mercury opposite Saturn, it could even be litigation, because we still have that Jupiter Saturn Square too. It could be litigation that's brought against the pharmaceutical company.
And I actually, just before I made this video, I was watching the news to catch up on everything that's been happening, and there is a lot of reports that there are sort of potential unknown or unsavory side effects to certain medications. And so I could see how there would be some kind of litigation, like I said, in the pharmaceutical space, or we find out something about, again, a healthcare agency, or we find out about a epidemic or a pathogen or something. And I was going to talk about this a bit later, but I'll talk about it now too.
Global Predictions
For my global predictions, I'm seeing some serious water contamination here in September. It could be municipal water supply, it could be bottled water, but there's something here, multiple incidences here where it could be as small as you're just turning on your faucet and there's just sort of some kind of sediment that comes out for a minute. It could be something like that. It could even be like a hurricane, like the after effects of a hurricane kind of compromising the sanitation of a certain local region, or the disaster zone, there's some kind of health effect to the disaster zone, or that even a storm system would make it harder for hospitals to operate. I think that there is some kind of issue there with a hospital. So anyways, let's continue on. The sun will oppose Saturn on September 7th, so I'll just go backwards here.
When the sun opposes Saturn on September 7th, you may feel, again, a little down, a little serious, a little secluded or isolated from people, but also this is a call for you to maybe approach or tend to your mental health journey, your health, to approach a business problem in a different way. But yeah, really just don't burn out. Take care of yourself at that time. And then the sun opposes Neptune September 17th through 20th, basically, or sorry, 22nd. I would say, yeah, all the way until Libra season. So the Sun Neptune Opposition in mid to late September also has a lot to do with health. I think that we will be discussing health-related matters, whether that's judicial, again, in some kind of judicial issue within the healthcare industry or litigation again being brought against a company, or some kind of report about long COVID or something. Or maybe there is some kind of larger epidemic that's starting to percolate.
Unfortunately, I don't know if it has something to do with Mpox or the whooping cough. I mean, I really think there's some kind of cough going around in September, and I think it's actually a little bit more serious than people realize. It feels like there's a cough that's mutating, because I know there's certain coughs that only affect certain age groups, but I feel like that pathogen may mutate or something and affect other age groups as well. So that's kind of the vibe I'm getting. I know that's not really fun to hear, but as always, as you know, I just try to be objective for these things.
Mercury will oppose Saturn. I talked about that. So really serious down to business conversations, and you may adopt a more pessimistic view of something. You may realize that it's not worth talking to somebody anymore. And some of you may hear slightly depressing news or something, but otherwise, Mercury opposite Saturn is a great time to get serious about a writing communication project or even to take an exam or something. I don't know. If you wanted to take an exam, I would do it in mid-September. Or again, some of you might get test results back. I just feel like there's some people getting test results back. I don't know if that's you watching it right now. I'm just saying I feel that energy. There's a lot of test results coming through. Maybe it's a test result of someone who's really well-known. I don't know. And then Mercury opposing Neptune September 23 through 26.
Really make sure you're getting adequate sleep around that time. I think sleeplessness, restlessness is more likely during that moment in mid to late September. Your dreams are naturally going to be very vivid during that stretch, but it's a great time to channel your imagination for sure. Pluto will Trine Uranus the whole month. I think that's positive. That's going to give us a preview of the actual Pluto Uranus Trine in 2026 through 2028, which has a lot to do with communication innovation. But I think this Trine in Taurus and Capricorn is more about upgrading systems and institutions and governments literally changing regimes in certain countries, protests, activism, things like that.
Mercury will conjoin the south node September 29th, and the sun will conjoin the south node around that time as well. So anytime the sun hits the south node, you've got to wonder if there's some kind of change within a certain world leader, because the sun can rule executives and leaders. So there could be a leader that's announcing something about themselves, their health, or their alliance or allegiance to a certain country or a certain political party. That Mercury south node Conjunction may have you reflecting on your past a little bit. There may be some sort of commerce related issue or something, transactional issue.
Maybe information is leaked or something. I don't know. I think that the CrowdStrike outage in mid-July was a huge deal. I continue to believe that that CrowdStrike thing, I don't think we have any idea right now how pervasive that was and how sort of massive the implications are. I think something related to that CrowdStrike outage or some other cybersecurity incident either affected some kind of political leader's communications or emails or something, someone maybe got access to them. Maybe there was a hospital system that got hacked into, or municipal supply system, a utility system, which maybe that has something to do with the water supply or quality of water.
So I don't know, maybe the Mercury south node Conjunction, maybe there's even actually an accident in the news around that time. But I think communication or messages from certain political leaders or figures is still subject to be leaked during this month. So now let's shift gears and just sort of summarize the month before I get into the horoscopes. So again, I think September, really, what is it doing here? September is reeling us back into the Pluto and Capricorn era, and I think it's going to dredge up a lot of lingering issues with the economy. And it could also advance, again, certain health concerns. But yeah, we're back in eclipse season. And so again, I think there's some kind of mounting public health concerns tied to either a pathogen, an epidemic, or contaminated water. And I continue to believe it has something to do with municipal water supplies, but other issues could stem from sanitary concerns following a major storm.
Pluto Trine Uranus will help accelerate, I think, the proliferation of new ideals and ideologies and tech-related advancements. Maybe there will be some discussions around the ethics of deploying AI in certain work environments, but I also think we're going to continue to see AI deploy during the election cycle in problematic ways. Mars and Cancer, again, will heighten the protective mindset among nations. And Mars will eventually Square the position of Mars from last October 7th, but it's not going to actually reach that exact Square until later October.
And Mars will not enter its pre-shadow phase in September, luckily. So I'm not saying that there's nothing happening in the theater of war in September. There very well could be when Mars Squares the lunar nodes, which I think is on September 2nd, it's like way back, or no, sorry, September 15th, 16th. Maybe something around that eclipse would affect something in the Middle East or with Ukraine and Russia. But I think that tension, geopolitical tension, will just skyrocket in October. Because we have an Aries full moon at that point in mid-October, which will Square Mars and Cancer, which is squaring Chiron and Aries. Not good, but I would like to believe that September is a little bit of a reprieve from some of that. But if there is a shock point or an inflection point with the wars, plural, going on, it's definitely around September 15th through 17th.
So also yet again, I'll just reiterate this, Venus Conjunction south node in early September could reveal weaknesses in the economy but also in relationships. And now, for some global predictions, which many of these I've already mentioned, I do think there will be a lot of reports about contaminated water, potential medication shortages. We may see the side effects of certain drugs or pharmaceuticals, especially, by the way, those popular weight loss drugs that are going around right now. Well, those could be in a shortage or maybe there's some unsavory side effects that people didn't know about, long-term effects of those things.
I do see water-related disasters still, so hurricanes, tsunamis, flooding, the potential spread of pathogens, inclement weather, some kind of pharmaceutical scandal. There will be a focus on the healthcare system, whether it's cybersecurity incidents in that system or healthcare policies. We may put the focus on, I don't know, maybe a report will come out about the cost, the true cost of healthcare in this country of the United States, and some of the cascading impacts of that on people's wallets. We may see some economic headwinds. The economy may be under a bit of duress, but again, hard to say if the market would actually decline. But ultimately, I think the craziest transits yet to come are in late October through early December. Because I think once Mars gets into its pre-shadow phase, all bets are off. I think that October is a very messy month, especially the second half of October.
That Aries full moon in mid-October is, yeah, it's just a very, very aggravating full moon. And anyways, I don't know. September, it's kind of back to business. It has this feeling of, and I'll show you actually right now, because there are two, there is a new and full moon to consider as well. So it kind of has a back to business vibe because of the Virgo new moon, which is coming up. Sorry, I have to quickly zip back to that time.
The Virgo new moon September 2nd, it's lining up with Labor Day. I mean, it's a good time to just kind of make some slight tweaks to your routine, your day-to-day, maybe to your health regimen, your nutrition, your diet. And it's opposing Saturn, so there's a serious kind of quality to it. And yeah, I mean, Mercury is in a post-shadow phase Square to Uranus, so you may come up with some really interesting ideas at that time. Mercury Trines Chiron as well. Positive discussions about your healing journey. Venus and Libra will conjunct the south node on that new moon, so there could be a job change for you, a relationship change. Mars Squares Neptune. So yeah, I do think that's a turning point with some kind of health-related contagion that's going around. Uranus stationed retrograde right the day before. Pluto went back into Cap the day before.
So yeah, it does feel like we're really scrutinizing in a Virgoan sense. We're scrutinizing the systems that we have built our whole society around and maybe witnessing some cracks in it, witnessing some weakness in the economy, and really prioritizing our health. But this new moon might not be a big deal for you, honestly. Could just use this new moon to be a little bit more productive, make some minor tweaks and really dedicate and focus your efforts towards a big end-of-year work project. I mean, again, it is a no-nonsense type of new moon. Now, the full moon is, again, a partial lunar eclipse September 17th. And by the way, the Virgo new moon, you want to avoid work-related drama, because Mars is Inconjunct to Pluto between Gemini and Cap, which it gives me the energy of someone trying to start a rumor about their boss or something. You just don't want to do that. September 17th, like I said, it's an eclipse, partial lunar eclipse, 25 Pisces.
Yeah, I mean, that could just, again, help you let go of a relationship or help you move on, help you forgive someone too. You could forgive somebody that you hold any kind of resentment towards. Jupiter Trines Venus. That's nice. Although Venus will start to Square Pluto there and it will oppose Chiron. So yeah, deep healing can happen there for you, whether it's personal, health related, relationship related, or you, again, tap into your spirituality in a big way.
So now I'm going to go through the horoscopes for each Zodiac sign, and you're going to want to refer to your sun, moon, and rising signs. So even though the rising sign is customarily what people look at when making predictions, you can also refer to your sun and moon, because each sign has a relative position to another sign. And these relative positions do have an affinity at least, for house placements.
For example, an opening Trine is similar to the fifth house, and Opposition is similar to the seventh house. So for example, if you are a Scorpio rising, you recently had Mars and Uranus in your seventh house, which created a lot of tension in your relationships. But even if you were a Scorpio sun or a Scorpio moon, you probably experienced that as well. So I won't go all into the theory right now for the sake of this video, but I just wanted to mention that really quick. You can absolutely refer to your sun, moon, and rising, because the sun, moon, and rising encompass your essence, really. So let's review September. We'll start with Aries. So September, Aries, what does it look like for you? I will just have the eclipse chart as a visual here, but I will refer to the new moon and Virgo on September 2nd as well.
So for Aries, you have a Virgo new moon September 2nd going on in your sixth house. And the sixth house has everything to do with coworkers, work, routines, health, pets. So a Virgo new moon in the sixth is an initiation of maybe a new form of productivity, a new approach to your work, a new health regimen or process. The chart ruler is Mercury, and it's in a post-shadow phase Square to Uranus between your fifth house and the second house. So with Mercury in the fifth, I do think that this can, or sorry, by the way, when I said the chart ruler, I meant the ruling planet of the new moon. So the ruling planet of the new moon is Mercury because it's a Virgo new moon, and Mercury rules Virgo. So the ruling planet of the new moon is in your fifth house at that time.
So if you wanted to break new ground creatively, not a bad new moon for that, and maybe even to incorporate that creativity into your daily work, even better. But yeah, this can be a fairly subtle new moon for you or a big one. I mean, it really depends on how you feel about your work right now, the state of your health. So if you wanted to commit to a new health regimen or a fitness plan or health plan, if you wanted to commit to a new job or a new workflow, absolutely you could do that. Mars will be still in your third house squaring Neptune in your twelfth house.
So there is a slight chance of exhaustion there at that time. Another thing I want to mention is the Venus south node Conjunction in your seventh house. That is significant, because it's in your seventh house of relationships. So as you make adjustments and tweaks to your work or health or something, especially work, maybe there's a relationship or an alliance that you form with someone at work, maybe separately you just decide to clear out a certain relationship. You decide you don't want to be with someone anymore, or you just kind of reset the energy of a relationship in your life.
But now I want to jump to the lunar eclipse in your 12th house September 17th, and this is much more significant to me. This has a lot to do with your mental health, your spirituality, your dreams. You're operating in a liminal space during this full moon, and it may coincide with a very vivid dream that maybe is a premonition. Maybe you just have a bit of a sleepless night at that time. But if you have any toxic habits or addictions you'd like to purge, this is a full moon for you to clean house and clean the temple that is the body and just live a healthier life. You may decide to address certain mental health concerns at this time. And also in the 12th house, this can be a very compassionate place, so you could heal yourself, but you could also play a healing role for somebody else.
And you may realize at this time that your work life is draining you or something, so you may just take this full moon to rest and relax. But I mean, for some of you, for a small subset of you, this could literally trigger a spiritual awakening or something. This could really help you tap into some kind of universal feeling of oneness or unity. And I do think some of you are making relationship changes yet again, right here with Venus in the seventh. You could heal a certain connection or you may experience some rejection, some of you, honestly, in a relationship, and that may bring you into the 12th house to just like recuperate, to focus a little bit more on your mental wellbeing. But ideally, you can heal a relationship at this time. Mars is in your fourth house, so some conflicts may arise within your family at that time as well, which may be connected to the other things I said. And Mercury is opposite Saturn between the 6th and the 12th, so you're really scrutinizing and thinking seriously about your health choices. And there's a smattering of other energies there. But I think that those are really the defining moments of the new and full moon.
So, Taurus. Taurus, you have the Virgo new moon September 2nd in your fifth house of romance, creativity, cultivating your inner child. And the energy of a new moon in your fifth, I think it's a good time to dedicate to your craft, to your creative craft, to refine a creative project, to launch a new creative project, or to invest more time into your dating life or to, again, take your creativity more seriously. There will be a Venus south node Conjunction in your sixth house, so you may make some adjustments to your co-working relationships.
You may change your income slightly based on your requirements at work or based on your responsibilities at work. And Mars will be in your second house still, squaring Neptune in the 11th. So some deceptive conflicts arising with friendships or friends, maybe you feel like you're deceived by a friend, especially over something money-related. But also, you'll have Mercury in the fourth house squaring Uranus in the first, so some kind of unconventional arrangements where you're living in a temporary Airbnb, maybe, with a couple people, or maybe you're just hosting someone, someone's staying with you. But it does feel like there's a little bit of just an unexpected living arrangement going on during that Virgo new moon.
And the Virgo new moon is opposite Saturn on the 11th, so you may decide to go forward with some kind of creative idea in cooperation with a friend or someone that you are in the same network as. So if you're a content creator, the Virgo new Moon actually looks really good for you. If you just like to network, I actually think that would also match or that would fit the themes of the new moon. And if you just generally want to make a creative hobby part of your day-to-day, you could manifest that. Now I want to jump to the full moon partial lunar eclipse September 17th in your 11th house of friendships, communities, social media, networking, technology. So the full moon there could be a complete reset of some of your friendships. You may feel like letting go of a friendship that doesn't make sense for you anymore.
You may let go of a social media project that doesn't make sense for you, but the full moon can be a completion of course. So you could bring a major project in your social media life to a conclusion. You could heal and mend a friendship. You could forgive them for something. You could go to a spiritual conference or some kind of networking event that's Piscean, so it could be creative people who are involved. And Venus opposes Chiron in the sixth house to the twelfth house, so maybe you're dealing with a difficult dynamic with a co-worker at that time.
But it could also help you mend a relationship with a co-worker, or you could start to balance out your daily routines for the sake of optimal health. Mercury will oppose Saturn, so yet again, getting down to business with a creative project potentially, or, I don't know, again, maybe you're just investing in your dating life, talking to people who you're casually involved with with Mercury in the fifth. But I think ultimately, this full moon has a lot to do with transitions within your network, transitions within your friendships, transitions within communities that you participate in. And then Mars will be in your third by that time in Cancer. Mars in the third does create a slight uptick in arguments, analytics though also. You could start to analyze things more, you could develop insatiable curiosity for some new subjects, but you definitely want to avoid over ... You don't want to create too much conflict there verbally. Mars in the third can get a little bit aggravated in that way, but also Mars in the third means you could be kind of swimming around exploring your local environment. So maybe you're traveling. It's a very busy time. It's actually Mars in the third can make your day-to-day communication life very hectic. But otherwise, yeah, I mean, I think that as you can see, I think that September, again, like I talked about in the intro or the first half of this video, September is not necessarily the flashiest month ever.
I mean, it's like Virgo season, opposing Saturn, Pisces, Neptune, and Pisces. If you end up just having a chill month and you don't want to do anything, I get it. If you end up having a major breakthrough in your health journey, your healing journey, then great. But it could just be like a time where you're in the trenches a little bit. But with Tauruses you're in the trenches specifically with creativity.
Geminis, you have the Virgo New Moon in your fourth house, September 2nd. Obviously that's going to be a big deal for you because the fourth house is an angular house, and the angular houses will mark the main pillars of our lives. And so a new moon in your fourth house could be a new home, a new location that you're moving to. You could simply decide to renovate or do something different with your home. You could set a new tone within your family or with a roommate or something. But yeah, I think a lot of Geminis are going to be thinking about their homes very differently starting September 2nd. Maybe you will dedicate to a work project at your home, or you'll dedicate to a project related to your home.
The [inaudible 01:00:08] Mercury, meaning the ruling planet of the new moon is in a post shadow phase square to Uranus. So Mercury is in the third house at that time, which is very cerebral, intellectually curious. You could be doing some writing, you could be working on some coursework. Yeah, I think that's ... But ultimately the fourth house is very activated on this new moon. So it has a lot to do with, again, exploring your home differently or something to that effect. And also Venus will be conjunct the south node in your fifth house. So maybe a situation ship from your past returns or maybe a creative project is picked up again. Maybe you let go of a casual relationship, maybe you move on from a creative project. But definitely there will be some major resets with your creative projects. And again, your maybe romantic life.
Mars will still be in Gemini during that new moon squaring Neptune in 10th house, in your 10th house. And that can create some deception or confusion around your career or with Mars in the first, it could affect you as a physical being. Like maybe there is a bit of a health thing you're working on, a health challenge, but otherwise you may feel a bit of frustration, like you want to move forward with some kind of career-related thing. But Neptune is sort of confusing it or muddying it. You may deal with some kind of lie or deception through an authority figure, whether that be a parent or a boss. Yeah, you may feel kind of duped during the Virgo new moon. So if you're at odds with anyone in your family, just really be careful with how you manage that relationship at this time. Or if you're walking on eggshells with a boss, be careful about that as well. But the Virgo new moon ultimately to me has a pretty clear pathway or focus, which is sprucing up your home, reorganizing your home, or literally moving homes.
So now let's shift to the partial lunar eclipse. This is massive for you because it's in your 10th house of career, so I think you and Pisces have the biggest lunar eclipse moments here. So this can absolutely change the game in your career. You could become more well-known, Pisces is fame and mass media. You could have a project percolate out and pervade the collective and reach a bunch of people, a film, a documentary or some other creative thing you're doing. You could also heal a relationship with a parent, which is the 10th house or an authority figure. You could decide to walk away from a career at this time. You could realize that your career no longer supports your growth, and Mercury will oppose Saturn.
So maybe you're signing a contract regarding a home. Maybe you're signing a lease, maybe you're somehow signing a job contract just because Saturn's up on the 10th, and maybe that job contract forces you to live in a different location or something. Venus will oppose Chiron. So there is the slight chance of feeling rejected in a casual relationship or situationship, but also a creative pursuit could really heal you. So maybe this is a good time to go to a concert or to perform or to just allow creativity into your life as a vehicle for healing. But yeah, I think a lot of Geminis, you could make a big splash in your career at that time, have a big performance moment, and Jupiter is in a wide square to the sun and moon there. So yeah, I mean, there is some reason to be optimistic about that full moon.
But to be fully transparent, some of you may just decide you don't want to do this career anymore, you want to walk away. And that can be, of course, a bit challenging, but others are really hitting a new peak in their career. Mars will be in Cancer at that time in the second house. So yeah, you're pretty motivated to make more money or to indulge. So there's always that.
Cancer, you have the new moon in Virgo, September 2nd in your 3rd house of communication. So that's a great time to launch a writing project, to enroll in a new program, educational program to start analyzing data differently or to open up communication with a sibling again. Or maybe suddenly you have a new neighbor or something in the third house, and ultimately the third house for Virgo, it's a nice place for a Virgo new moon. So it's very productive, very cerebral. You could start to specialize in a certain subject, or you could even take a local trip, like a road trip around this time. This could just set a tone for the next 29 and a half days, for example.
I guess this kind of counts. Well, no, I was trying to think of an example from my own life, but actually the timeline is slightly off. Never mind. But yeah. So for Cancers, there's some kind of educational component there. Communication component. You'll have Venus conjunct the south node in the fourth house. So maybe you're making some changes to your home, to the investments you're making into your home, to the way you're beautifying your home. Cancers, you're about to have any eclipse in October in your fourth house, so some of you may decide to move in October. So maybe this is something with that. Maybe you are reconnecting with family while Venus [inaudible 01:06:31] conjunct the south node. You are going to some kind of family gathering. Maybe you're hosting people at your home. Mars will still be in your 12th house, square Neptune in the 9th.
So sleep continues to be a bit of an issue for Cancers. Your circadian rhythms are a little bit off during this time, but it's starting to dissipate luckily as we get past early September. But take care of your energy, protect your energy, set boundaries, try to have a regular sleep cycle. Otherwise, you could experience a little bit of burnout in early September.
But now I want to jump to the ... Mercury will square Uranus between the 2nd and 11th house. So you could come up with some interesting monetization strategies related to anything you're doing with a friend group or in a community or on social media. And you could have some kind of random exciting conversations with friends at that time or on social media. But I want to jump to the full moon partial lunar eclipse in your 9th house, September 17th. And I'm actually going to back the chart up for a second so that we can get the moon a little bit closer or get it in the building phase, the waxing phase before the full moon. So yeah, the full moon is technically September 17th.
So anyways, it's in your 9th house, and that could mark the completion of an educational journey. Maybe you achieve something in higher education, maybe you achieve something as a teacher. Maybe your knowledge is tested in some way because Mercury will oppose Saturn from the third to the ninth. You could complete a major publishing project like writing a book. You could travel somewhere long distance or return from a long distance trip and just rest at that time. And you could overhaul your perspective on life in a lot of ways. But I always say this, the ninth house sometimes passes through without incident. I mean, sometimes a ninth house lunation cycle is just some minor changes in your perspective on life. But for others, of course, it could be a huge milestone in your educational life, your teaching life, or your publishing life. You could explore other cultures or countries as well around that time. Venus will oppose Chiron.
So there is some healing there, maybe in a dynamic that you have with a family member, like you could heal a relationship with a family member or a parent. You could even heal a relationship with a boss or a manager at that time, and you could promote balance in your home at that moment as well. But I think one of the bigger transits at that point is the fact that Mars is in Cancer in your first house. So ideally you are getting some energy and vitality back after Mars was in your 12th, but also that can kick up some frustration. It is significant that Mars is squaring the lunar nodes while it's in your first house. So you could decide to take a different ...
Go in a different direction as an entrepreneur or independently, you could take an independent direction in some way. You could decide to break away from somebody, or you could decide to invest in building up your strength with Mars in the first house, that's a good time, I think, to revitalize yourself, reboot yourself. And so you'll feel like starting new things in general, while Mars is in the first, even though conflict is more likely, especially with the family.
So Leos, you have the Virgo new moon, September 2nd in your second house of money, natural talents, resources, values. So if Virgo new Moon in the second, you could claim a new salary, start a new job. You could commit to making money, you could commit to working even harder to make more money or something. You could also just refine your natural abilities and augment them to find even more success monetarily or in your career. You could decide to in the second house, I don't know, indulge slightly, but with Virgo being the sign in the second, I don't think that's probably what will happen. I think that yeah, your new moon experience could just be like you going to a nice restaurant, but most likely you are actually committing to a new work regimen or something.
So Mercury will also be in your first house, square Uranus in the 10th. So you could break new ground in your career, you could innovate on something with your career, come up with a really genius idea for how to add in a bit more novelty to your career. You could have an unexpected conversation with a parent at that time, and Venus will conjoin the south node in the third house. So you may set a new tone with a sibling or a neighbor or someone in your family, like a cousin. But yeah, I mean the Venus south node conjunction could even be a conversation that you just kick off with somebody from your past. Maybe you're hearing from someone from your past or connecting with them all of a sudden, or you're having a conversation about cutting off a relationship. But most likely you're just hearing from someone that you used to know or used to be connected with.
Mars will still be in your 11th, squaring Neptune. So you're continuing to invest either in your friendships, your social media projects, but square Neptune in the eighth. You may feel slightly deceived by a friend, or you may get this intuitive download that you can't trust a certain person, or there may be some suspicions you have about someone in your community or your network or one of your friends, and watch out for any financial deception, either through your social media life or through your friends or communities or something.
But now we have the full noon lunar eclipse in Pisces, September 17th in your 8th house. And that has a lot to do with purging addictions, toxic habits, doing some shadow work, peering into the depths of your psyche, uncovering and excavating some kind of revelatory material from deep within your subconscious. You could make a business or financial change at that time. You could restructure a business. You could have a very serious financial discussion around this moment as well, because Mercury will oppose Saturn. So yeah, I think a lot of you are doing either shadow work again, purging addictions, or making some serious changes to your business. Some of you could let go of trauma or you could let go of a fear at that time in the eighth house. You may feel a temptation to return or regress to a certain habit that you didn't really enjoy, like some kind of toxic habit. But obviously you'll want to overcome that and maintain a sense of discipline at this time.
Mars is in the 12th house. Sleep is an issue here probably. So maintain a consistent regular sleep cycle, circadian rhythm. You may feel trapped in your own head a little bit at this time. But Mars on the 12th can also help you, I think, connect to your spiritual life, your spirit guides. I mean, it can be interesting. Venus will oppose Chiron. So you could be having a fairly challenging discussion with someone, whether it's a sibling or a neighbor or a partner. Yeah, Venus opposite Chiron maybe is creating a challenge in your relationship because you're traveling apart from each other. So it feels like maybe some of you are having a difficult conversation with someone while you're in different cities or different locations, or you could decide to take a trip in a way that makes someone else feel betrayed.
So make sure that you're really on the same page with your friends or anyone you're traveling with. You don't want any surprises at that time. Honestly, some of you could decide to back out of a trip. I think a lot of you might be backing out of a trip there and leaving someone feeling betrayed.
So now Virgo. Virgo, well, you have the new moon in your first house, September 2nd. So Virgos, you should be feeling pretty refreshed and rebooted during the new moon. It will serve you well to start anything new, start something new related to a job, a relationship, changing up your look or your style, your presentation, announcing something about yourself. It should be a refreshing moment. And the ruling planet of the new moon is in the 12th, [inaudible 01:16:20] Uranus in the 9th. So you can really channel at that time, come up with some really interesting spiritual insights. Your dreams can be very revealing and electrifying in a way. But I think for a lot of you, it's really about tweaking and optimizing your daily life to accommodate some kind of new track that's going on in your life, maybe a new job. Like I said.
Venus will conjoin the south node in your second house. So I think a lot of you are making some salary changes. You're changing your job, changing the way you deploy your natural talents in your job, changing your monetization strategy, just spending more money. And Mars will be in the 10th still, so you're continuing to want to kind of press ahead in your career. However, some of your big career moves may confuse a partner or a partner in your life, or romantic partner because it's squaring Neptune. And Jupiter is still in the 10th, so you could just be showered with a little bit of luck in your career at that time.
But yeah, I mean, ideally, Virgos, you're starting a new job or you're just doing something different at work, or even you're focusing on your health differently. You're deciding to strengthen your physical body. And then the full moon, partial lunar eclipse, September 17th is in your 7th house of alliances, partnerships, marriage partners, consultants, and I mean that's significant because it can allow you to transition into a different type of relationship, to transition out of a relationship, to transition into one, to let go of a partner who isn't serving your growth, to let go of a past relationship that you can't get over yet to forgive a partner in order to allow them back into your life.
And Venus will oppose Chiron from the second house to the eighth house. And Venus opposite Chiron in the sort of financial houses may bring about some challenging financial conversations. You may feel betrayed by someone financially or in terms of possessions, maybe someone still owes you half the money for a dresser or something. You may feel financially at odds with someone for some reason. But I think for most of you, yeah, it's a major transition in a relationship. You could shift a business partnership, a romantic partnership, a friendship could undergo major change. With Mercury in the first opposite Saturn in the seventh, you're having serious conversations about the future with somebody or the future of your business or yeah, the future of your friendship, your romantic relationship. And I think a lot of you are starting to prioritize the growth you're experiencing in your career. And maybe that's taking you away from a relationship.
Mars is in Cancer at that time and your 11th house. So you're investing in friendships, but also experiencing arguments with friends. I don't know, I think you'll be motivated to maybe go to a concert or network or go to a networking event, or it'll launch something new on social media. You do want to watch out for creating any kind of strife in those sort of friend circles or friend groups or networks.
So now we go to Libra. So Libra, the Virgo new moon is very subtle. It's in your 12th house, but what's not subtle is Venus transiting your first house. So don't think that the new moon is a nothing burger. I mean, it definitely could be significant, but it is most likely a little bit more behind the scenes. You could be investing in a new spiritual practice or meditative practice. I mean, you could be focusing on your health or your mental health. You could be caring for somebody in a hospital or at home. You could be caring for yourself. You could be recovering from a surgery or something. Again, you could be tending to your mental health journey in a different way.
But for others, like I said, it might just be that you have an interesting dream at night where you go to a sound bath or something. I mean, it doesn't have to be the biggest new moon for you, but Venus will be in Libra in your first house conjunct to south nodes. So I think there is actually a pretty large chance or a big chance that you may purge a relationship, shift the energy of a relationship, let go of someone, maybe someone's coming back into your life. You could resurrect a creative project. You could change jobs even with the Venus south node conjunction in your first house. But most likely it is like a relationship from your past returning or you letting go of a relationship. Mars will be in the ninth house, squaring Neptune in the sixth house. So there's probably a desire to travel or something or educate yourself about something or maybe even write something, publish something.
But you have to really maintain, I don't know, a strong ... You have to watch out for your energy levels while you're traveling because you could experience burnout while you travel or a health concern while you travel. So just don't overtax yourself if you are traveling. Mercury, which rules the new moon will be in the 11th house, squaring Uranus in the 8th. So maybe some exciting conversations with friends or a network or a community will happen there. And then let's go to the full moon in your 6th house, September 17th. That full moon in the sixth has a very strong health undertone. If you wanted to treat your health differently, work on healing something, just taking a really hard look at how you take care of yourself, that's the full moon for it.
Some of you honestly, maybe recovering from a health challenge or a cold or a ailment at that time, Venus will oppose Chiron in your first to your seventh house. So some of you actually could heal a relationship at that moment. Forgive somebody. Others will feel rejected by someone or unseen, overlooked. But as long as you really step into your self-worth, I think it'll pan out for you. You'll be able to stand inside your own self-worth and either walk away from a relationship where there's not enough respect being shown, or you kind of stand your ground and your partner respects that and you develop a really solid relationship that is not codependent in any way.
And then we also have Mars in the 10th house. Mars in the 10th, that does put an emphasis on your career, making big new moves in your career, taking risks to advance your career, doing something to kind of stand out in your career. And Mars in the 10th could create some conflict with a family member, like a parent, I mean, or an authority figure or a boss. But I think for a lot of you, this is kind of a health-related full moon. Some of these other themes may play out alongside the health theme, but you're either scrutinizing your health differently or in the sixth house, maybe you're transitioning to a different work project, or you're completing a work project that you've been working on for a long time, and others are just reaching a milestone with their health. You're maybe hitting a new mark at the gym or with your diets, and you're like, "Wow, I've really accomplished a lot."
But if you feel like you're veering off the track health-wise, you really want to get ahead of this time because this could be a rude awakening for some people with regards to health if they're not really on top of their health. And Mercury in the 12th probably will pertain to love spiritual reflection and again, serious commitments to your health and your health journey.
So now let's go to Scorpios. Scorpio, you have a Virgo new moon in your 11th house on September 2nd. Now, that could be the birth of a new friendship, a new network, a new community. Maybe you are just socializing a lot. It's actually a great new moon to network and interface with other experts in your field or to form a new friendship. For example, like I, as a Scorpio, sun and moon am going to New York to go to Fashion Week during that time, right around that new moon. And that's going to definitely throw me into 11th house activities, even though I'm a Cancer rising. So yeah, great for new community development, political participation, a new social media project could ensue or yeah ... I just think there's something collaborative going on there. And Mercury, the ruling planet of the new moon is in the 10th house squaring Uranus in the 7th. So you could have some really interesting conversations with other people in your career or with a partner. You could have interesting career discussions with somebody. Venus will be in the 12th house, conjunct the south node, all kinds of connections from your past could come back or maybe even someone from your past life could come back, although that's probably only for a small subset of people and Mars will Square Neptune from the eighth to the fifth. So there could be some interesting, I don't know, financial moves that you make, but you have to be careful with them when Mars is in the eighth. But also, I think that a lot of you will experience that as a more of a psychic sensibility that's coming through and some kind of channeling that you maybe channel and that channeling helps prop up some kind of creative project you're working on. You would also want to avoid though gossip. I think Mars Gemini on the eighth can be kind of gossipy. And also avoid any kind of subversive or bizarre messages. Don't send any weird text messages or messages to people.
Now let's go to the full moon, lunar partial eclipse, September 17th in your fifth house. That could mark the completion of a really interesting creative project. It could mark the end of a situationship. It could create some kind of magic in your romantic life or your creative life. You could have with Mercury in the 11th of really... I don't know. It'd be kind of a serious conversation about a creative project with a friend or with a collaborator. But I think for a lot of you, it's actually not a bad full moon. I think if you have any creative ambitions or creative hobbies that you're really trying to finesse right now, you could really bring that to completion around that time. Or you could realize how a situationship has deceived you or something. Or again, you could just have a really interesting night with a casual partner.
Venus will be opposing Chiron from the 12th to the sixth, so that could bring some balance to your spiritual life. You could also heal a relationship wound by letting go of something, forgiving someone in the 12th house or a behind the scenes relationship could really... I don't know. I don't know. There's some kind karmic change in a relationship there with you in the 12th house.
If you have not accumulated positive karma in a relationship, that relationship could be kind of undone at that time. But if your relationship is on a good track, then you could really unify with them on a spiritual level. With Chiron in the sixth, you want to continue to watch out for your health though. So Scorpio... with this type of opposition, you could even interface with a shaman or someone or a healer in order to find some kind of remedy for something.
Mars is in the ninth in Cancer. So maybe some traveling is underway or you are feeling like you want to take a new step in your career as an educator or teacher or you want to embark on a new educational journey. But that may be a fairly subtle transit for you.
So now let's go to Sagittarius. Sagittarius, you have the Virgo new moon in your 10th house of career. So naturally, that's significant. It's hitting one of the angular houses. So a Virgo new moon in the 10th could mark the genesis of a new career for you, a new responsibility in your career or you could have a new dynamic with a parent. Who knows? Maybe you could even become a parent at that time and you're just taking your work very seriously at that point and you're probably being tasked with some kind of new responsibility that you have to take on.
The ruling planets, Mercury will be in the ninth house, Square Uranus in the sixth. So maybe there's some back and forth, a long distance traveling that you do or don't want to do, but it feels a little random. You may be assigned to an overseas or a long distance work project. You could be having conversations with a co-worker long distance while you're traveling or they're traveling.
Venus will be conjunct the south node in your 11th, so friendships from your past may come back. People in your network who you haven't talked to for ages may come back. You could let go of a friendship at that time. You could let go of a social media project at that time. Mars will continue to be in your seventh house. So ongoing conflicts with partners could arise, but also Square in Neptune. Yeah, just watch out for deception in a relationship at that time. I don't know. You may have some suspicions about your partner cheating on you or vice versa. You just want to watch out for that.
And let's go to the full moon. So the full moon is in your fourth house of home and family and property. That to me could mark the completion of a home project. But I think a lot of you are probably moving or, to be honest, a family member may announce a health problem or health challenge. Yeah, some of you may have to take care of a family member at this time or some of you'll be confused about where you actually want to live. You may feel disillusioned with how you feel about your current home environment.
Mars will be in the eighth at that point. So some financial disputes may arise or you will be having a very intense physical connection with someone else. With Mercury opposite Saturn, you could sign a lease, commit to a new home, or commit to a new job. Venus will be opposing Chiron from the 11th to the fifth and that could make you feel slightly rejected by a friend or you will heal a dynamic with a friend or someone in your network. And any creative project that you invest in at that time would definitely be very healing for you.
So now let's go to Capricorn. So Capricorn, you have the Virgo new moon in your ninth house of overseas travel, long distance travel, higher education, the higher mind and philosophy and publishing. So the Virgo new moon in the ninth, you could invest in a new trip overseas or long distance. You could commit to a new educational path or a publishing project, marketing, advertising, writing project. There could be a new dynamic with your in-laws, if you have in-laws.
Venus will be conjunct the South moon in your 10th. So some of you are purging a career or a family member like a parents is reconnecting with them. But I think a lot of you will experience changes in your career at that time, whether it's your income or the job you have or the person you report to or something. But definitely that Venus transit is a big deal.
Mars will be in your sixth still, so you're very busy, very busy in your day-to-day work. You're talking with a lot of coworkers. But on that new moon, there could be a slightly deceptive conversation with a coworker because of the Mars and Neptune Square. So I wouldn't trust everything your coworkers tell you at that time, but you should also be truthful with them. You may feel slightly exhausted at that moment. Don't overstress your body at that time.
Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, is in the eighth at that moment, Squaring Uranus in the fifth. So you could come up with some novel ways to build more wealth or financial power. You could make some adjustments to your financial strategy or you could channel something interesting that actually helps advance the creative project.
So now the full moon, September 17th, a partial lunar eclipse is in your third house of communication. And that may coincide with some kind of conversation where you're forgiving someone, you're letting something go, you're letting a relationship go. Maybe you're walking away from a contract. Maybe you are opening up a conversation again with a neighbor or a sibling. I don't know. I think it's just a very emotional conversation you're having in the third house where yeah, you're letting someone go or you're forgiving them or you're showing compassion for them.
And then the third house is also education, communication, writing, so you could complete a writing project. You could finalize some kind of educational journey or hit a milestone in your educational path or you could decide to walk away from an educational program at that moment.
And then Venus will oppose Chiron from the 10th to the fourth, so there's major healing that could be had through a family member. You could heal something with a family member or a boss or a manager. You could feel slightly betrayed by someone at work or a parent or a manager. But ideally, you're healing those relationships.
Mars is in your seventh house at that time in Cancer. Mars in Cancer in the seventh creates conflict in significant one-on-one relationships. So I think a lot of Capricorns are breaking up with someone, to be honest, around this time. But you don't have to. You could just invest, which is Mars, invest in a relationship, feel motivated to be in a relationship. But naturally, I think there will be some arguments.
So now, let's go to Aquarius. Aquarius, you have the Virgo new moon in your eighth house of shared resources, passive income, inheritances, shadows, subconscious, the subconscious. So a Virgo new moon could be a new financial strategy for you September 2nd. I mean, you could invest in a new approach to your finances, your investments. You could decide to merge resources with a marriage partner or a business partner. You could initiate some kind of shadow work. The ruling planet Mercury of the new moon is in your seventh house, Square Uranus in the fourth. So you may have some surprising, unexpected conversations with a partner, with a family member.
Venus will conjoin the south moon in the ninth. So you could either invest in a long distance trip or walk away from a long distance trip. You could run into someone from your past while you're traveling or in the classroom, if you're a student right now, you're on an educational track. Mars will be in the fifth, squaring Neptune in the eight or the second. So there could be some continual fireworks with a casual partner there. But also watch out for deceptiveness with a casual partner. They may lie to you about something or vice versa. And yeah, I mean you could commit to disciplining yourself with the eighth house, Virgo new moon or disciplining yourself and walking away from a toxic habit or something or an addictive tendency.
And then the lunar partial eclipse in Pisces, September 17th. It's in your second house of money, resources, natural talents, spending, indulgences like a job or a salary. So that full moon could show you maybe where you've been deceived financially. It could show you that you need to value your spiritual journey a little bit more and focus on that. It could mark a career transition. You could change up your salary. You could start to value your health or healing journey a little bit more. And Mars will be in the sixth, so you may invest in your health. You may invest in your fitness. You may invest in a new workout regimen.
Venus is in the ninth opposite Chiron in the third. You may have an upsetting conversation with someone at that time. You may feel slightly rejected by someone at that time. You may get a message from someone that you don't appreciate. You could also travel away from someone. You could decide to back out of a trip in a way that makes someone feel betrayed. But ideally, you could take a long distance journey and that long distance journey could be very soothing and healing for you. Also, Mercury is in the eighth opposite Saturn in the second. So I think a lot of you're having very serious discussions about your financial objectives, your long-term, financial goals, and so on.
So now let's go to Pisces. And by the way, for Aquariuses, I think those new and full moons may or may not actually be that big of a deal for you. But anyways, let's go to Pisces. This is a big month for you because you've got the new and full moons in your first and seventh houses. And again, talking about the angular houses there. So that is a major dynamic initiation point. So the Virgo new moon in the seventh could speak to a new relationship, a new alliance, a new business partnership. You may decide that you want to scrutinize your relationship differently. You may decide that you want to dedicate more time to your partnership. Yeah, you could commit to being with someone, to serving someone's needs.
And Mercury will be in the sixth scrying Uranus in the third. So whether this is related to that or not, you may pick up new skills at work. Your work routine may change randomly. And I think in general, you're just contributing a lot of novel ideas to the workplace. And you may get some insights about your health. I mean, the seventh house is consultations. So maybe someone is telling you, "Hey, you got to work on this or you got to treat this thing differently."
Now, Venus will conjoin the south node in the eighth during that new moon. So there could be some financial changes, changes to your investments, your financial strategy, your joint resources, especially joint resources that you have with a partner. I mean, you could separate from someone financially or you could merge with them financially or a financial matter that you forgot about, you may tend to again, and maybe someone from a past life comes in and you have a deep psychic connection with them in the eighth house. And some of you may merge with someone physically who you haven't merged with in a while. Maybe you mingle with someone again like an ex hookup or something? But I think for a lot of you, it's a financial change.
And then Mars is in the fourth. So possible continual conflicts with a family member where it feels like someone's deceiving the other. But I think the full moon will be much, even bigger for you. The full moon, partial lunar eclipse September 17th is in your first house of self. So that full moon is a release point for you. You could walk away from a habit, a relationship, a job, a attitude, an emotion that you no longer resonate with. So you're trying to just get rid of any baggage, essentially. But to be honest, I do think for a lot of you, it has something to do with health. I think that you may realize that you have to really remedy some kind of issue or you have to tend to a health problem.
Mercury opposite Saturn. That gives me the vibe of a consultant telling you, "Hey, you got to work on this health problem" or a doctor telling you, "You got to deal with this thing." So this is a wake-up call for some of you. Or you're just realizing that you've been deceived by someone. You have a big sort of disillusionment moment where suddenly, you're like, "Well, this thing that I thought was going to be a dream come true is actually not like this job or this relationship or this whatever I'm doing, this quick fix that I thought would cure all that ails me is suddenly not." So I think a lot of you're going to go through a disillusionment that sets you on a more realistic course that will be better for you in the long run.
Venus will oppose Chiron eighth to the second. So some financial betrayal may be in store there. Or maybe you heal a financial dispute. You resolve a financial dispute with someone or you heal a relationship at a deep psychological level.
So let's summarize September. What have I talked about today? September is kind of a transition month. I feel like it, again, has a lot to do with health. I think a lot of people are going to go inward and really focus on their health in September. You may not be out there all that much. Kind of has the vibe of a hermit kind of month. But also, there are some health issues that some people may have to tend to.
But I think something I did not address in the first half of this video, which I regret not addressing, is disillusionment. I think that this month is all about some kind of gap between fantasy and reality, which I know we talked about when Saturn stationed retrograde in Pisces at the end of June, early July. But I think the full moon, partial lunar eclipse September 17th will resurrect those themes, bring them back. So if you believe that there's a quick fix for your health, you're going to realize that there's actually not. If you believe that some long shot will work out for you where it's like I'm not putting any work into it, but somehow, it'll all work out. That will be... that illusion will be dispelled because during Virgo season, it's like you're realizing that you really have to put the work in if you want that magic to happen, if you want that dream to come true. And again, if you've been cutting corners with your health, definitely going to have a rude awakening there.
But another thing I'm seeing in my predictions here is like there are some health-related things that are hard to escape. I think there's some environmental factors like environmental toxins or pollutants that people are breathing in that are causing the respiratory issues. There may be contaminants in the water. I feel like there's some kind of pervasive health crisis that's kind of hard to get out of. I'm not saying that you will succumb to it or anything, but some of it is in your control. Some of it is lifestyle. Some of it is habits. But other things I think are just in the society, in the environment, in the collective, in the air, that they're airborne. And I don't know. I don't know.
September, it's okay. It was okay. I mean, it could be a big month for you if you want it to be, but I really think that if you want September to work out for you, in addition to following the horoscopes that I talked about, just get down to business, get shit done. I don't think it has to be a flashy month. In fact, if you just work hard during this time, I think you'll be satisfied with September. If you mail it in and you don't work, then hopefully, you're recovering from something and that would be the only reason not to put in the hours. But you should really just, again, get stuff done, get stuff done, put in the work, stay healthy, stay vigilant about any health issues that may come up.
And yeah, I mean, definitely heal some kind of major wound in a relationship. I think a lot of people are going to be overcoming an insecurity in a relationship and allowing themselves to be vulnerable. So if you're capable of vulnerability this month, then you could elevate your relationships to a higher frequency. But if you're cagey and you don't want to let someone in, you're probably going to feel pretty rejected at the end of all things and kind of isolated. So don't be that person, right? Be show your softer, more vulnerable side. Allow yourself to forgive someone, potentially even show compassion, right, during that lunar eclipse.
So anyways, thank you so much. And by the way, I am doing only 100 readings next year, one-on-one readings, and I will be launching those appointments in around early October. And after 2025, I will no longer be doing one-on-one readings strictly through a calendar on my website. That's not to say I would never do a reading again, but my last 100 readings will be available for 2025 in early October of this year. And like I said, after that, you'll have to just find me at the right place, right time to get a reading. And that's because I'm shifting focus towards classes, my newsletter, my predictions, some other media-related efforts. And I think there are other ways that I can help people. I've really enjoyed doing the one-on-one readings and I will continue to enjoy them in 2025. But after that, after those 100 readings, like I said, I'm going to just be doing readings on a very minimal sort of ad hoc basis.
Also subscribe to my newsletter. I will be having a special presidential election coverage on the day of the election through my newsletter, through a Zoom call that I'll send a link to. I also host monthly Zoom calls through my paid Substack subscription. I have a podcast which you should listen to called Astrology Unbound. And my 2025 forecasts will be available for purchase at some point in Q4. They will not be available for free or on YouTube or anything like that. I put a lot of work into my annual forecasts every year and because of that, I do think that there should be a premium placed on them. So those will be released, like I said, probably in early Q4, maybe mid-Q4.
But thank you if you've downloaded my 2024 forecast, my 2023 forecast. This will be my third year doing it. And it covers every new and full moon for each zodiac sign and it's very thorough. This year will definitely be the most robust yet. I will track the hot spots for the year for each sign. I will track the retrogrades, and of course, again, I will track the new and full moon so that you can lock yourself into a manifestation cycle and plan ahead for the year.
So yeah. Anyways, I'm Evan Nathaniel Grimm. Thank you so much for attending this talk about September and I will see you next month and take care.
Gemini rising and I’ve been offered a voluntary paid redundancy from my career…why are you always so accurate? 😂🤣
As a cap sun libra rising and Taurus moon I feel the career area is going to be the theme of September. I’m happy with my 9-5. Pays the bills and the environment is great. I also have a small jewelry business which I’m trying to grow. I’m also doing full time online school for business management and entrepreneurship. Still wondering if I’m making the right choices.