This newsletter is adapted from a transcript of my recent YouTube video, “The Astrology of 2024”.
Hello and welcome to my presentation of the astrology of 2024. This will encompass the key transits, the key themes and what you can expect.
First and foremost, Pluto is taking more of an earnest approach and ingress into Aquarius where it will be for 20 years. After a brief retrograde back into Capricorn September 1 to November 19th, it fully closes off its passage through Capricorn, which has been about a 16-year cycle. Pluto will deepen and intensify Aquarian themes like technology innovation, politics, AI, and so on.
We have Jupiter entering Gemini for the first time since 2012, and it's expanding this area of the zodiac before Uranus reaches that sign in 2025 and 2026. This certainly accelerates innovation and communication, especially with the trines to Pluto in Aquarius. But I'm also kind of calling this the “TMI transit”. It's like there's almost too much information, too much news, too much political infighting. I'll talk about that.
The lunar nodes are finishing, almost, their transit through Aries and Libra, so this is very much about learning to put yourself first before you choose someone else.
We do have Mars retrograding in Leo at the end of the year, and then all the way back into Cancer, as well, so reevaluating how we put energy into things we love to do, but also into our nurturing process.
Mercury will retrograde in Aries, Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius. Of course, Mercury retrogrades three to four times a year, so certainly no surprise there.
We do have a superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun at 14 degrees of Gemini, June 4th, and that superior conjunction, with Jupiter involved as well, looks very positive for manifesting some type of Venus-related situation in your life, whether that's money or relationship or creativity.
Saturn, Neptune, Uranus are going to keep going moving forward in the same signs what they have been, with Uranus being in the Capricorn Decan of Taurus, finally.
There is a slightly lower concentration of retrogrades all at the same time, because Jupiter is separating from the outer planets. Because Jupiter is going all the way to the Third Decan of Gemini this year, September of 2024 will not be quite as jam-packed with retrogrades as September 2022 and 2023. Those September timeframes in the last couple of years have been very tough, because, think back to 2022. We had Mars in a pre-shadow phase alongside Mercury retrograde, Saturn retrograde, Neptune retrograde, Uranus retrograde. But I think Jupiter waiting until October to retrograde is a good thing.
There's a solar eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron, April 8th. That's going to be a tough one just given that Chiron in Aries is about the wounded masculine and the opportunity cost, by the way, which is how I think about Chiron, oftentimes. What's the opportunity cost of a certain behavior?
Chiron in Aries is showing us, what is the opportunity cost of walling ourselves off from vulnerability and tenderness, and feeling unaccepted or feeling unwelcome? Chiron in Aries can kind of lash out in the worst possible way, so it's showing us the opportunity cost of almost walling our heart off. It is a moment for healing in that way, getting that sort of tenderness back or feeling that self-love. But that solar eclipse, for those of you who may be feeling a little bit unhealed, I think that eclipse could be a setback, so it's really important for you to do the internal work ahead of that.
There's a Chiron-North Node conjunction before that in February, and that will be a point of destiny for a lot of people in terms of growing through those painful but tender moments and reaching that unconditional self-love. I actually feel like there's something about Chiron in Aries that has to do with unconditional love. Even though Aries is like, "I would prefer to just act on my impulses and be instincts-driven," Chiron is like, "Hold on. If you believe that everyone is their own island, there are consequences to that and there is loneliness that comes with that, or there are relationships that sort of disintegrate because of that." So I think Chiron in Aries, in a weird way, it's almost like taking the sign of Aries and exposing where it can be damaging and destructive. So, Chiron in Aries, to me, is actually in the healthiest way about feeling healed in yourself and then going out there and helping others.
We have a Mars-Uranus conjunct Algol, the fixed star, at 26 Taurus, July 15th. Algol has some very ominous associations, and because of that, especially in the Capricorn Decan of Taurus, I think something in the middle of July will either unravel like a political organization or there could be some innovation with Mars-Uranus.
Mars-Uranus is actually very radical and rebellious, very unpredictable, and kind of explosive and chaotic. So the Mars-Uranus conjunct Algol mid-July could be a very messy time especially politically. As my friend & astrologer Theresa (Grand Trine Astrology) pointed out to me, the Republican National Convention is happening on July 15th which is an eerie coincidence. Perhaps there will be a sudden shift in party leadership. The Mars-Uranus conjunction will actually occur on Donald Trump’s Midheaven, which strongly suggests he will either be dethroned as the party leader, or he and his supporters will be a disruptive force at the convention.
But on an individual level, you can certainly use it to jump into a new community or tap into a new scientific discovery or innovation. Earthquakes look pretty likely as well, though.
Same, actually, with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus April 20th. A lot of astrologers will tell you this is a net positive. I view it as positive to some extent. I tend to be a very Uranian individual, so I have a bias probably in that way. My Aquarius North Node is always going to be Uranian. But, at the same time, in my experience with Jupiter-Uranus transits in my own chart, they can be a little unpredictable.
Suddenly you have to fix something that breaks, or suddenly there's this massive change in your life and you don't know how to make sense of it. In Taurus, though, this is very much about convulsions of the climate and changes there, and weather disasters. I mean, the Taurus energy, for me, is so much about the land. But something that's interesting about this is it's very much about discovery and scientific breakthrough, but I'll talk about that in a minute.
And then finally, I didn't list it here, because it doesn't really happen in 2024, but Saturn and Neptune are getting closer to a conjunction. It's within 10 degrees next year. I wouldn't say that that is a powerful, potent conjunction by any means, but they're starting to get closer. But it's not actually going to activate a conjunction, because they conjoin in Aries.
Symbolically, they're kind of edging us and they're like, "We're not actually going to give you what you want." But Saturn-Neptune, I don't know if we want that anyways. I mean, it can be very much about mental health challenges. It's about healthcare and chronic illnesses. Maybe we will learn new details about long COVID.
It's also about water-related disasters, actually, like flooding and maybe drought in other areas. But Saturn-Neptune can also bring about some very amazing creative achievements and helping us all build a more firm spiritual foundation.
Saturn-Neptune combined with Pluto in Aquarius will probably allow AI to create stunning visuals and artistic experiences that are so immersive, people will risk getting trapped in it. With Pluto pertaining to obsession and compulsions, I believe we will have to formalize treatment of internet addictions, and also influencers and social media creators will start seeking therapeutics to manage the constant dopamine rush of their jobs. And same goes for people who use social media for fun. While these platforms are maturing and laying the groundwork for anyone to become an entrepreneur, it will be crucial to help people manage their brain health and tend to their inner life.
Let's go into each of these and break them down.
Pluto in Aquarius
Let's start off with the most obvious. I mean, this is the headline story of 2024. I think if an astrologer did not make this the first transit, then that'd be pretty bizarre. This would be the equivalent of me in late 2007 saying, "What's 2008 going to bring?" and seeing Pluto about to go into Capricorn. Truly, that was an era-defining time. 2008, the great recession. We had a different perspective on financial power. The corporatocracy, we saw how it can go too far, how the power can be too concentrated, and it can make the whole society more vulnerable to these economic shocks.
Naturally, because 2024 starts off, though, with Pluto at 29 Cap, there could be sort of a bookend to that story where there's a financial institution that doesn't persist any longer. We had a preview of this when Pluto was last at 29 Cap in March 2023. There were banks that failed. It was a challenging time, right? A lot of people were wondering, "Is the other shoe going to drop?" Maybe there are more financial implications to come there.
But if I'm just speaking to Pluto in Aquarius for a second, what is this headline story? Well, number one, it's a 20-year cycle. So it's not that everything will unfold immediately with Pluto. But Pluto is about what? Obsession, power, control, rebirth, transformation. And when you have Pluto in Aquarius, really what happens is that there's a different logic that people apply to their lives.
In Capricorn, it was much more slow and steady wins the race. Align yourself with a company. A company will protect you and provide for you. They have all these benefits. I mean, think about companies that have cafeterias in their offices, and there was a sense that Pluto in Capricorn was like this nurturing, big, corporate parent. Of course, we've seen some of the dark sides of that.
But once we get into Pluto in Aquarius, society will become increasingly fragmented. Whether that's how we get our news, whether that's how we monetize our lives, I think it will be easier than ever during Pluto and Aquarius to become a digital entrepreneur just in the way that I am. So just by having a website domain and having whatever else you need to provide a digital service or otherwise, people can set up shop really fast. We're going to see the maturity of that. We're going to see how it is even easier, like social media companies giving people increasing tools to thrive as business owners.
We also have, with Pluto in Aquarius, technological breakthroughs. With AI leading the trends right now, AI will become more sophisticated. I'm already noticing how each week there are creators and peers in my industry who find new ways to use AI to outpace their competition.
Just in a classic capitalist system, the people who use AI will be the winners in their respective marketplace. Whatever moral stance you have on AI, capitalism doesn't care, okay? I'm not even making a moral claim. I don't have any skin in this game apart from giving you the facts. Capitalism does not care about what AI does or doesn't do to your job.
People will, of course, push back against that, and you'll see labor movements, and you'll see people saying, “Okay, we don't want to be replaced by AI." Cynically, I believe that no matter what the case is, at some point a competitor, or a company, or a creator, someone will use AI in a way that lowers their costs and increases their profit margins, and they will put someone else out of business who isn't using AI. So for everybody who takes a moral stance on this, that's fine. I'm not here to push against it per se, but I am here to tell you realistically, if you just look at the astrology, Pluto is power. So the people who use AI intelligently will accumulate increasing power.
But the good news is that technology is democratic, in theory. So, you, me, everyone can use technology to independently operate. I would argue even though this displaces a lot of jobs, by having AI in your corner, if you can work on your own and for yourself and not have a Capricornian boss anymore, there is an upside to that.
Again, I don't want to downplay the fact that this is a scary thing, though. I'm not going to wax poetic about AI. I don't think it's an unconditional sort of yes or categorical positive. But with Pluto can be fear, as well, and so I think that some people will have this sort of unwarranted fear of technology to the point where they go off the grid or something. I tend to find that my life pans it out if I trust, a little bit, technology, and I'm open to it, at least.
With Pluto in Aquarius, of course, innovation, more broadly, will be a theme. There are especially leaps and bounds in communication technology with Uranus in Gemini coming up that we can't even imagine right now. Communicating telepathically, maybe, or some other way.
Now we also have the Plutonic control of technology. Another theme will be: who controls the technology can control the messaging, and whoever controls the messaging can control our mindsets. Think about that. Pluto in Aquarius, while it does give you and me the tools to do this, literally, my job is to make content and do readings for people, and that's amazing. But, you have to wonder, how open is the dialogue online? How open can the marketplace be? There's going to be this continual pushback between large conglomerates and platforms and social platforms increasingly regulating the messaging.
And then off-the-path, outside-the-box platforms like private messaging systems will start to take over, as well. Because with Uranus in Gemini coming up in the middle part of the decade, people are going to invent new encrypted ways to communicate that bypass the regulatory framework. But then there's a question of around reach. How do you reach more people that way?
In general, I see a maturation of social media. Again, it will become easier for people to monetize their digital lives, but it will also be increasingly smothered by the overlords who control the technology.
There is the displacement of jobs. It's going back to AI a little bit. I don't want to downplay this. This is very troubling. I don't even think astrologers are off the hook. I mean, I think pretty much anything that can be observed can be replicated. That's the premise of AI, at least as I think about it. If some behavior has a pattern, AI will pick up on that pattern, and it will replicate it. So it's the displacement of any kind of job. It's not just mechanical jobs. It's like high-touch strategy work or consulting work. A lot of that stuff also can be codified in some way. So you will see labor movements as a pushback to that.
This is a good way for me to segue into the crux, if I'm really getting into the deep spirituality of this. This is about finding the human amidst a detached world. And so use the counterpoint of Aquarius, which is Leo. So while Pluto is in Aquarius, we will become increasingly alienated from each other. We will become increasingly isolated in certain ways in a 3D sense, but we will also find networks to collaborate with people across the world who we never would have had access to before.
But, also, make sure your heart is open. Make sure you're making real-life connections. Because, eventually, the world will be starving for that, and if you can provide that human connection to someone, both you and the other person will be enriched, invaluably.
Boomers get their dough, as I like to say. Boomers will collect massive amounts of retirement, pension and retirement money. Because they're dealing with a Pluto opposition, at least some boomers with Pluto in Leo, they're having a Pluto opposition, some astrologers may describe this as their comeuppance. I'm kind of half and half on it. Part of me is cynical and just says, I don't know. Maybe they'll just they'll liquidate a bunch of assets and bank off their retirement money. They'll sail off into the sunset and say, "Eff you," to everybody else.
And then they'll transfer their wealth to their children, eventually, yes, because millennials are about to have a Pluto square. So millennials with a Pluto square from Scorpio to Aquarius, maybe some of the millennials with rich parents ... I don't know what that's like ... but if you're a millennial with rich parents, then maybe you're getting their dough.
Obviously, there's a lot of disgruntled feelings towards boomers in general. In the collective, I think there is a little bit of, why do they get all this wealth? Why are the cards stacked against us as younger generations? I think there will be generational clashes.
Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction
Next I want to talk about the Jupiter-Uranus cycle. Around April 20th, there is a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus.
I want to emphasize this: Pluto in Aquarius is a broad theme. Much of what I talked about will play out over 20 years. It's not like all of that will happen tomorrow or next month.
But with Uranus and Jupiter, this is a very specific moment in time that builds and crests around April 20th. This is a 14-year cycle that last occurred in 2010. Typically, Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions coincide with revolutions, scientific leaps. And certainly we may see with Jupiter-Uranus new forms of political thoughts and ideology that sort of pervades certain countries that are more repressed. Because Jupiter and Uranus together want freedom, so there's a liberation effect there.
In Taurus, it could be changes to the climate or the earth, or how we use the land, or how we supply food. There could be disruptions in food supply, but I think, ultimately, with Taurus being about money, as well, I think currency innovation is possible. Cryptocurrency or central bank currencies, other digital tokens will take off.
And yet, again, with Uranus being the dispositor of Pluto in Aquarius, people will find novel ways to make money. So, if you're sitting here watching this and you're like, "How the hell do I get out of my job that I don't care about anymore?" Well, here you go. Pluto in Aquarius plus Uranus-Jupiter, Aquarius-Taurus, that's all about making money online or off of technology, working in a flatter organization.
And that's something I didn't fully describe with Pluto in Aquarius. It's going to be about the democratization of companies, networks and things like that. I guess the other thing I'll say about Pluto in Aquarius is that power returns to the people in a way. Through these new private messaging channels, or encrypted message channels, or through other online communities, people will find like-minded individuals. The irony and nuance of Aquarius is that it's unique individuals coming together, and even though each individual is unique, they can find common ground in a community and advocate for humanitarianism, or change, or progress. Maybe you'll see new political parties come about around this time, especially in April, and maybe people will demonstrate and turn on their inner activist.
Saturn & Neptune in Pisces
Now, Saturn and Neptune, I alluded to this on the original slide. Saturn and Neptune will not form a conjunction, actually, until, really, February, 2026. They get close in 2025, but it's really February 2026. Anyways, as you can see here in this chart, around the June timeframe, they get pretty close to a full conjunction. It's within about 10 degrees before Saturn stations retrograde. That's interesting, too, because this is the summer solstice. Around the summer solstice, we may get a preview of what this conjunction actually looks like, but it's not happening in Pisces. Right? So I think this is more of an illusion.
But with Saturn-Neptune, it's a 36-year cycle that started in 1989 in this case. In 1989, we had the fall of the Berlin Wall. We had the dissolution of the USSR. Certainly, there can be political movements, maybe something with Russia coming in there again, especially with the conjunction in Aries.
But with Saturn and Neptune, we also think about health and healthcare. We think about how we heal ourselves and how we deal with sickness. We think about creative feats. Maybe there's a massive film that comes out sometime during this time that is sort of reminiscent of a Titanic, or an Avatar, or something. But, also, spirituality becomes more foundational for people, potentially. Water-related disasters are not impossible, whether that's flooding or lack of water.
Again, I don't want to give you the impression that Saturn-Neptune is actually happening next year. They're co-present, but because the conjunction triggers in Aries, symbolically, I don't count this. I don't count this as a conjunction. But, certainly, because they're co-present, at times we will feel this heaviness and hopelessness, but we will also feel like there's a divine purpose. We will feel like there's a divine timing. We will constantly have to calibrate between our spiritual aspirations and the cold, hard reality.
But Neptune in its domicile versus Saturn not, I think Neptune may overtake Saturn here. It's like Saturn has to play Neptune's game. And so compassion, people can have breakthroughs in terms of how they profess their adoration for someone or their devotion to a higher power. There's almost a religious undertone to this and a spiritual one.
Saturn-Neptune also reminds me, though, that nihilism is rampant and is the greatest threat to humanity. I think a lot of people, especially with Pluto in Aquarius making us more alienated from each other, more detached, you may feel like there is almost like this temptation to buy into nihilism or whatnot, but I think that we're reaching the end of this obsession with empirical thinking and analytical thinking.
Saturn-Neptune, ideally, is helping us all tap into our intuition, our spirituality, again, so that we can transcend, let's be honest, the depressing world we live in. So much of our lives is codified and mechanized by just numbers, and we all fit into this little slot. That's not what life is all about. I think that in a positive sense, it's like we're seeing a late-stage empiricism... Because I think the scientific revolution was pushing back against religion, and now the pendulum's going in the middle, which is like, "No, we're not satisfied to hear that the meaning of the universe is the number 42." We're really looking for something deeper.
There may be new discoveries even about what is out there in outer space related to dark matter and dark energy. And that's a quick segue for me to say, also, Pluto in Aquarius will further the narrative around UFOs, alien disclosure. We will continue to get more information on that. Obviously, some of the stories are fabricated and some of them seem a little bit more legit, but Aquarius, it is helping us raise the vibrations. We are going to start connecting with higher beings, I believe.
Especially when Uranus goes into Gemini, by the way. I think 2024 is like we're still dipping our toes into Aquarius, but when Uranus goes into Gemini in the middle part of the decade, there's going to be people out there who are just in full contact with other extraterrestrials, I think, and they're just channeling.
Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter in Gemini, let's go there. The last time it was here was 12 years earlier. Look to the Gemini area of your chart. But Jupiter in Gemini will form a nice trine to Pluto in 2024. And this will very much amplify just the quantity of news. I didn't say quality. So let it be known, I did not say quality of news. Some astrologers may be tempted to call this sort of amazing renaissance in some type of ... I mean, I think there will be people who write amazing books, and there will be people who are very communicative.
But especially in that First Decan, I mean, it's going to be in the First Decan for the first while there, but that First Decan of Gemini, to me, gives me TMI vibes. It is too much information. If you think you're spiraling now whenever you open your phone, prepare to spiral more if you're not careful. This is a nice, random strategic tactic, but I would have your phone on Do Not Disturb almost, or just don't get notifications from the news media. Because I think there's too much news, straight up. I think there's too much news here.
But that being said, it's also going to open new communication channels and people will open their mind to new ideas. There will be tons of political debates. And with the trine to Pluto, it can deepen our awareness of certain facts. But I think if you're a writer, this is fantastic. I think that it's going to give you the tools to say what you need to say and speak at length about something, so people will not be short on words. They will have a lot to say. So it's up to you to strategically and efficiently sift through that.
Jupiter Square Saturn
Now, something I didn't talk about in the slide, but I want to address now is that as Jupiter passes through, Gemini will square Saturn. The Jupiter Saturn square is sort of a first-quarter phase of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, which is where Pluto is at this time, so think about that.
If I go to Saturn conjunct Jupiter, December 21st, 2020, where was it? It was in Aquarius at the zero degree point, and a number of innovations occurred around that time. If we go to now, eventually as Jupiter starts to square Saturn, we're seeing it right here. Square Saturn, well, Saturn is kind of on the Neptune point of that conjunction. Jupiter is on the North Node point. So Jupiter square Saturn is sort of a check-in, a 25% check-in on the progress of this 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle, which is a birth, contraction and expansion, which is Jupiter and Saturn. Maybe the birth of new ideas in Aquarius and innovations. But those innovations are being tested right here. "Oh, let's scrutinize this a little bit more. How did this innovation from December 2020 affect us?"
It's definitely going to be almost like this feeling of maybe some communication even is restricted, to be honest. I think that there will be certain voices who no longer have a platform to speak. On the upside, maybe there will be new real-time language translation platforms that allow people across the world to seamlessly communicate with one another. There’s something about Jupiter in Gemini that makes me wonder if this is the true innovation. Something that can improve networking online (Aquarius). Or maybe universal wifi.
Jupiter-Saturn can combine pessimism and optimism. Saturn being the stronger of the two planets is sort of pulling Jupiter back and saying, "No, you should really think about the consequences. You can't just travel anywhere." I wonder, honestly, if there's travel restrictions at this time, as well. Really, with Jupiter, the opportunities are being pulled back a little bit. It's like you want more, but you know that you can't reach it as easily right now. But also Saturn can provide a structure to innovations, hence my prediction about translation technologies.
Aries-Libra Axis Eclipses
Now we do have eclipses in Aries and Libra, and let me just mention that. I'll show you the solar eclipse in Aries, which is really, I think, the big climax of those eclipse cycles. Let me just go there and use this more as a guidepost for talking about these eclipses, because I'm not going to go through every eclipse date.
I talk about that in my horoscopes for each Zodiac sign, by the way. So if you want my 2024 horoscopes, they're still available through my website and also down below. That goes into every new and full moon of 2024 as it concerns your Zodiac sign. I recommend you get your sun, moon and rising. This video is more about themes.
Anyways, with the lunar node, still the North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra. Think back to 2005. That's the last time these nodes were in this position. But, also, 2014, they were flipped in the opposite signs.
But going back to 2005 where we had this, it's really North Node in Aries, choosing yourself. Choosing yourself before you choose another person. You have to work on yourself before you can show up for somebody else, and when you do that, the universe presents you with the ideal partner or person.
With the South Node in Libra, this can be about breakdowns in diplomacy, in my opinion. There can be some karmic letting go of political alliances. Obviously, we've seen that. We really have seen that. We've seen how countries that used to have overwhelming support no longer do, and so we're going to continue to see that play out.
Now, the eclipse on April 8th is a total solar eclipse. I don't like this. Like I said, it's conjunct Chiron, Mercury retrograde, and the chart ruler Mars is conjunct Saturn. I mean, that's about as daunting as you could get.
Whenever people ask me on the street, "Can you just give me a quick prediction?" I always say, "April 8th is pretty strange." With Chiron, it's like wounds are being shown in the worst way for a lot of people, because we live in a world of a lot of unhealed souls. Let's be real. But if you want to use this to your benefit, use this to, again, be honest with yourself about where you've fallen short, be honest with yourself about where you've closed yourself off, where you've avoided intimacy.
I know that Aries has nothing to do with intimacy, really, but I take a very different approach to Chiron than most people. I think Chiron, like I said earlier, shows us almost like the ugliest side of a sign if we don't reconcile the wounds and the insecurities. So with Chiron and Aries, the ugliest side of Aries is really just this lashing out, this wounded masculine, this machismo, this unrelenting sort of libido. Chiron in Aries can show us how we damage ourselves by chasing our basest desires.
In a positive sense, Aries is courage. With Chiron, the courage to be in a place of self-acceptance, and the courage, based on that, to go out and do Aries things, which would be like taking the lead, being bold. You can be bold, but come from a place of healing.
Chiron is in Aries, by the way, from 2018 and 2027. And then, again, this is about a sense of belonging, and what is the opportunity cost of walling yourself off from the world?
Mars Retrograde
Let's go through some of these other transits here. We do have Mars retrograde in Leo, so let's go to that. Mars will retrograde first in Leo, and then it's actually going to duck back into Cancer, which really brings it into 2025.
I'm not going to fully go into that, but just keep in mind, this is about a month after the US election. We have Mars opposite Pluto. I'm seeing a sore loser here. There will be politicians who refuse to bend to the decisions, and no one wants to be a loser here. Nobody wants to give up. I think that's really not a great sign in a lot of ways.
And then when we get into 2025, Mars goes into Cancer, and look at this: squaring Chiron. And guess what? I think it stations direct in a square with Chiron. I mean, look at that. I mean, I'm not going to lie. It's a little terrifying.
So by February, 2025, it's like we've got Mars square Chiron, still, for really like a month, right? It’s squaring Chiron from really Jan 16 for about two months. Mars squares Chiron for about two months in between Aries and Cancer. That's about defending a homeland. I'm expecting a lot of turf battles, for sure, geopolitically and in the world.
Mars retrograde in Leo will be very much about, though, how you're investing in what you love to do and so on and so forth.
Superior Conjunction of Venus & the Sun
There is a superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun which I want to highlight. That's going to be really positive, so Sun conjunct Venus, let's find that on the chart. June 4th. I mean, look at that. Jupiter-Mercury conjunct, Venus-Sun conjunct. I mean, this is one of the best days for manifestation. Even though it's a balsamic moon, who cares? Venus-Sun alignments like this with Jupiter also trining Pluto, that to me is like someone's going to make a lot of money off of some innovation or communication thing, or they're maybe writing a book. There's some maybe bestseller around that time that's massive.
But I think in your own life, find the Gemini area of your chart, and it's like this is where you say what you need to say, and it attracts the right people into your life. Or it's very creative. So keep that date in mind. If you have my horoscopes, you know, actually, what to expect though for your Zodiac signs. So get the horoscopes.
Mars conjunct Uranus on Algol
Mars-Uranus conjunct Algol. This is the last big conjunction I want to delve into. July 15th. It's on Algol. Fixed star associated with Medusa. I don't enjoy this one. It feels very unexpected. It feels very, like I said before, explosive. Mars-Uranus, yes, could be political breakthrough. It could be a group of people saying, "Enough is enough," and they're advocating for some type of progress in the society that they live in. But it's like people are very restless here.
In the Capricorn Decan of Taurus, I see this unraveling of some type of political leader. By the way, honestly, the conjunction of Jupiter-Uranus on April 20th, that could be an unraveling of a political leader. That could be a political leader that just suddenly is gone and they get replaced. It could happen here, too.
It could even happen April 8th with the Chiron conjunction to the eclipse. I guess if we're on the topic, it could even happen when Chiron conjoins the North Node, which again, I talk about on my substack.
But Feb 19, we have the North Node-Chiron conjunction squaring the moon there, I guess. At the very beginning of Pisces season with Venus-Mars-Pluto conjunct. I mean, that even looks to me very much about health and maybe how certain leaders manage their health.
So what did we talk about today? We talked about how 2024 is ushering in a new era framed around technology, AI, the displacement of jobs, the alienation of people from other people, but also opening the door to you standing out by channeling your heart and connecting with other people in a very heart-centered, human way.
We do have Mars retrograde eventually, which will test our commitments to certain creative fields in a lot of ways. But also with Mars in Leo, maybe athletics. I mean, I wonder if there's something in an athletic context where people are trying to change how they compete athletically. I think with Leo, you can get into a lot of different themes there. But I think Leo is very much about investing in joy and creativity.
But then again, keep in mind, Pluto in Aquarius will be the headline story, and it's all about, with Chiron in Aries, how we heal ourselves in a detached world. How we find meaning when nihilism is rampant.
But, also, we will witness the pendulum swinging away from just purely scientific, atheistic, empirical, logical, analytical thinking. I mean, that's run its course. Nobody in our world is happy by, again, to quote the book, the answer to the universe is not 42. We all know that that's insufficient. You’re going to find your spiritual footing next year, you're going to understand how to find your purpose in a technologically saturated world. You will have the tools to work on your own if you want. You don't have to work for a company forever. You will have the tools to be yourself, Pluto in Aquarius. But always remember who controls the platform, controls the messaging, and who controls the messaging can really shape society.
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“Chiron in Aries is showing us, what is the opportunity cost of walling ourselves off from vulnerability and tenderness, and feeling unaccepted or feeling unwelcome?”
Oof. Wow. I’ve probably read this part 5 times. That’s so deep and resonates with me in a major way. Thank you. So much to ponder here.
Nothing here regarding the fact that transiting Uranus in Taurus will square the natal Moon of the USA at 27 Aquarius in July 04 2024. And then again in 2025. The is an important transit for the country and even the world, and it is totally overlooked.